One Cat Call Too Many

72 9 5

I like this song..till the end 


Waking up to a dreamless sleep, I look around, disoriented. Completely lost and scared, my eyes finally adjust to the dark. Seeing as I'm in my living room, everything from earlier clicks, the ache in my leg returns.

"Shit." I grumble. Why did I have to remember?

I try and get up, but a surging pain shots up my leg, stopping my attempts. Right after, my stomach growls, in protest. Even with my wishes, the increasing pain and hunger, does not go away. Trying to strategize a way up, I look around for anything to support me. Seeing an old raggedy umbrella not used in years, I try and drag myself in its direction. Struggling to reach my hand out, I suddenly realize I'm not close enough. Lifting my leg up slowly, with both hands, moving it, over in the direction of the umbrella. The pain still coming, my face tightens trying to hold in my scream of agony. Looking down at my bruised and bloody hands, I whimper at the sight of them. It's not like I actually did my nails. Man up... Woman up.

Reaching for the umbrella, my fingers lightly touch the umbrella, still not close enough to grip it. Not able to make it through moving my body again, I try and shove it to fall in my direction. The umbrella starts to tilt, yet in the other direction. Moving too quickly, my muscles scream. My fingers grazes its side, its stops in its place, unsure where to go. It suddenly falls at a rapid speed, my eyes unable to keep up. With a thump it lands in my direction.

My shoulders slump, the weight of this simple situation over. Taking a firm grip over the umbrella, I try and pull myself up. What?! Did I gain 100 pounds, since I last checked? Shaking, I pull myself up, leaning on my right, in-one-piece, leg. Making my way slowly to the stairwell, passing empty walls, grunting with each step.

A step away from the stairs, my bodies' weight against the umbrella begins to get closer to the ground. In a helpless attempt, I reach out for the railing. Barely making it, my hand catches it, hanging on for dear life. Looking down at where I would have fallen, the so-called umbrella is broken in half. I guess I did gain a few pounds.


Making my way up the last step, dragging my still bleeding leg, I reach the top. My breathing, shouts in my own ears, my heart along with it. The hallway to my room seems ten times longer, shaking from side to side. Dragging myself along, none of my survival needs met, all I care is to reach my bed. My eyes dropping, my feet lagging, I make it to my doorway.

Seeing my bed, in the far corner, I hurry to it as if I was racing another person to it. Ignoring my injured leg, I hobble to my bed, collapsing onto it. My eyes, which were already half close, shut completely. The heaviness of my sleepiness takes over, sending me into a deep sleep. My breathing slows the pain throughout my body long gone.

A soft meow, tickles my ear, yet I simply ignore it as sleep finally takes me in.


A beeping noise makes me jump up out of my dreamless sleep, in surprise. Glancing around, I don't see anything. Looking down at the small table next to my bed, I realize it's my alarm clock going off. Trying to remember why, it soon clicks that it's Monday. Monday equals school. School equals seeing people and seeing people equals torture.

I groan in protest, yet it's futile, seeing that no one will hear me. Standing up, I suddenly get this slight pain in my leg, yet it's not as bad as yesterday.

Surveying the damage, I was only brazed by the bullet, leaving a nasty scar. The blood is all dried up, and has this sort of purplish color to it. I should probably call the police, but it's their word against mine and my voice is... Well lets just say, unheard.

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