May, 20, 2016

96 5 11

You know it's pretty fucking sad when you find out your own "friends" are talking shit about you and spreading rumors about you. My own so called friends knew I got fucking molested and raped by my step father for 10 fucking years and had the audacity to spread a rumor saying "I molested my Ex Boyfriend. " telling people I'm nothing but a suicidal Bitch and you don't know why I haven't killed myself yet. Well do you wanna know something? I don't know either. My own friends hate me enough to spread rumors about me. My Mom left me because I got her rapist husband put in jail. Half my family hates me and the other half are all drug addicts and alcoholics. I can't keep a good relationship to save my fucking life. I just had to end my last fucking relationship because the guy I was dating that I thought was amazing turned out to be not so amazing and fucking hit me. I haven't cut in months but god do I want to right now. I hate my fucked up life.

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