Chapter 13

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I was running my fingers along the glass that was separating me from endless books. Suddenly, a maid walked into my room unannounced. I was unused to such actions seeing as I don't normally have maids, but I acted as if it were normal for me. She and one other bowed as they walked into the room. "My apologies for being so late, Lady Grace," said the first maid in a squeaky voice. "I'll just warm the water for your bath and find you a dress to wear for this evening."

The other just made her way to my bags and took out the rest of my belongings putting them in my armoire. Then the first maid seeing my face continues, "I will be your only maid normally unless extra help is required as it is now. I have to get you ready for dinner with the king this evening. He has requested your presence. Also, your personal guard will be here to escort you down later tonight when he is done memorizing the needed passages in the castle to move you around properly," she finished quickly, but she wasn't unhappy.

I looked at her closer as she prepared the bath water for me, making sure it was warm enough. She was pretty with a thin face and figure. Her blonde hair was pinned up neatly around her face except a strand that was falling down her dirty face that she probably received before setting up my fireplace. I could already tell she was trustworthy. "What's your name?" I inquired.

She looked up from filling the bath and looked confused. She wasn't used to people paying attention to her clearly. "Amelia. Amelia Teslin," she finally said as she went over to pick out my dress. "The water should be warm enough for you know. If you remove your dress I'll take care of it." My face clearly went pale for I was not used to such things. I knew I had to act casual though, so I carefully slipped off my dress and undergarments as I slipped into the battub quickly. She gathered my dress and moved it away quickly. I was uncomfortable at first not used to such things, but as she started cleaning my hair, running her fingers through, I slowly managed to relax.

I realized as a maid she was used to seeing females in the bathtub, and it felt so nice to be in warm, clean water, I could barely care. As I relaxed time seemed to go by too fast. Soon enough she was helping my out of the bath and handing me a towel. I dried myself off while she prepared me to slip into one of the dresses I had brought along. It was one Rem and Kenneth had bought me in town and I was nervous how it would fit.

The red dress slipped over my body and fit me well as Amelia laced up my dress expertly. The oddly form fitting dress highlighted my bodies thin curves and made me stand out more than I would have liked to. However, the red lacey dress reminded me of my friends so I accepted it. Amelia then handed me black shoes she had found for me. I smiled at her, and seeing my attitude, she in return smiled as she led me to the vanity seat.

She used the towel to try to dry my hair. When it was a little drier, she tried to brush out my ringlets, but clearly had never had to work with them. Amelia was smart though, and quickly understood how to lightly brushmy hair to keep the ringlets in. By the time she finished my hair was practically dry. Seeing that, she slightly tinted my lips and eyes before considering my finished.

Miss Teslin looked at me seeing if I was done. She brushed a piece of my hair back pinning it back to add to my sophisticated look. "There, all done," she paused. "You look beautiful, My Lady," she declared.

"Thank you, Amelia. I owe it all to you," I grinned at her to show my appreciation. I wanted to talk to her a little bit seeing as I would be around her a lot for the next month or so, but I decided to let her get to work. I picked up my dress and walked over to the books again looking at all of them. "Amelia," I called. She came into the front chamber where I was. "May I read any of these books in here?"

She just nodded before continuing working. I looked at the books lining the walls. I came to one about a man traveling around the foreign lands. Seeing as I had just down a lot of traveling, I was interested and picked up the book before walking over to the chair. I sat on it and ran my fingers across the rough, uneven pages and smiled. I open the page and barely read through the dedication before I was told I had to get down to the dining hall.

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