Chapter 10

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The way I saw it, this could go one of two ways. I could get fired, or I could help a lost man find his way back. For the latter, risking my job was worth it. I just had to choose my words carefully. I'd been called to Steve's office first thing in the morning. I didn't know what for, but I saw it as an opportunity to ask Steve to visit Bucky with me as I'd promised I'd attempt to make happen.

When I arrived outside the old wooden door, identical to all the rest aside from the letters stuck on the glass that spelt out 'OFFICE', I knocked and awaited my invitation to come in. Upon receiving it, I entered, intrigued to find out what had made the Captain so eager to see me.

"Agent Jones, take a seat." Steve said in a professional tone, gesturing to a chair opposite the one he was sat in. I took my place and looked at him across the mahogany desk that separated us.

"You wished to see me, Captain?" I questioned after a moment of silence.

"Yes I did." He stated, "I called you here to talk about visiting times with our prisoner." Crap. One of the guards must have still been awake and seen me either going in or coming out of Bucky's room.

"Look, I can explain tha-"

"No need. Natasha explained it all for you." Shit. I'd forgotten that Nat was down there with us. I never saw her so how was I supposed to know where she was?

"It wasn't just a social call," I said with my most serious expression, "He needed help. His mental health is seriously damaged."

"So you could have talked to him about it today." Steve retorted

"No, I really couldn't have. You and I of all people know that mental health issues aren't something that go away naturally. They need to be helped and talked about as soon as possible or the pressures of them build up and up until one day you can't take it anymore. As you said yesterday, I'm his therapist. I was doing my job." The Captain took a moment to take in my words and contemplate them before his expression softened and he said

"What did he say?" now was my chance.

"He said he doesn't feel like anyone wants him here."

"Of course we want him here."

"He also wants to see you." At this Steve's expression froze.

"What?" he said, astounded

"Yeah, he said he thinks he'll be able to handle it if I take you to see him."

"Is he sure? Do you think he's stable enough?" I could almost see Steve's heart pounding in his chest, threatening to burst out at any minute.

"Well, with the progress he's been making, I think he can take it." I looked over at the Captain, who was observing the desktop with a concentrated expression.

"Okay," he said, looking up at me through his blond eyelashes, "Okay, I'll do it."

"Great." I grinned at him, satisfied with my work. "When do you want this to happen? I'll need time to talk to Bucky before you come in to prepare him, but I'm ready when you are, Cap."

"How about this afternoon? Two o' clock?"

"Sure. We'll have to start small, maybe five or ten minutes, just to let him adjust to you and get comfortable with your presence. We can build it up over time."

"Great, okay." Despite him agreeing to do this he looked nervous bordering on terrified. I leant forwards and placed my hand gently on top of his, which was resting atop the desk.

"Hey." I said in a soothing tone, "Don't worry about it, it'll be fine."

"But what if it isn't? What if I'm not what he expects?"

"Steve." I said "You won't disappoint him. He's your best friend, even if he doesn't remember you all that well he still knows you somewhere deep down inside of him."

Once I'd calmed Steve down and we agreed on a plan of action for that afternoon, I left his office and jogged to Bucky's room to tell him the good news. Just as I arrived, Natasha was escorting him out of the metal security door that he was kept behind to take him to the dining hall for breakfast.

"Bucky!" I called from down the hallway. As soon as my echoing voice reached him, he looked up from his feet and smiled joyfully, his eyes shining.

"Hey." He said as I reached him "You seem happy." he smiled

"I am. Want to know why?" I replied excitedly


"You're seeing Steve this afternoon at two o' clock."

"That's... Great!" Bucky grinned back at me.

"Are you sure that's safe?" Natasha interrupted with a look of concern painted on her face.

"Yeah, me and Steve worked it out this morning." I retorted

"It's not Steve that I'm concerned about. It's him." she said bitterly, nodding her head towards Bucky. "How do you know he won't flip out on you?"

"Bucky was the one who requested to see Steve, not the other way around. I'm sure he wouldn't have asked if he didn't think he could handle it." I'll be there anyway. We're not risking anything and if you want to take it out on someone, don't let it be Bucky. He's a person, just like you and me. How would you feel if you had everything you've ever known taken away from you only to be turned into a machine? If you want to express your concerns with someone go and talk to Steve. He authorised this meeting." and with that, Natasha stormed off down the corridor in search of our boss. Bucky, meanwhile, stood staring at me, bewildered by what had just happened, his handcuffed arms hung limp in front of him. "Breakfast?" I asked him calmly

"Yeah," he replied.

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