Chapter 3

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It didn't take us long to get to the subdivision where we all climbed out of the back of the big black trucks and armed ourselves with a variety of M16 rifles. I would usually have objected when the gun was offered to me and insist that I didn't need it but in this case I knew that my reflexes wouldn't be able to match up to our target's skill. He had been training to kill people for 70 years and I had been training for 5. That was one hell of a difference and I wasn't willing to take any chances.

As I loaded my weapon and slotted a small knife into a sheath on my right thigh and a small handgun in a holster on my left Steve called out instructions.

"I want everyone to listen to me closely. Bucky is just inside this street in one of these houses. Make no mistake, he will kill you if you let him have the chance. You'll be going in in pairs so turn to the person on your right and you'll know who you're working with. Radio in if you think you hear something and do not engage until you have back-up. Be on your guards at all times and never, I repeat, never leave your partner behind. Is everyone clear?"

"Yes sir." I mumbled along with everyone else before turning to my right to see who my partner would be. It was Sam. Don't get me wrong he's a lovely guy but I think he likes me more than I'd like him to.

"Well lookie here. Why is it, do you think, that we always end up crossing paths?" he said with a grin on his face

"We've only ever crossed paths twice in the past two days." I replied with a blank face. I had put myself into full mission mode and when I got my mind into it, there was no coming out until the job was done.

"Alright, I'm just trying to make some light conversation. You know, cheer things up a bit."

"Yeah, well, don't. Bucky's dangerous, I'm just trying not to get killed."

"Well with a look like that one maybe you'll kill him first." Sam's cheeriness dulled

"If that's what it takes then that's what it takes." I gave him a glare that instructed him to keep his mouth shut while we were working and I think it worked because he didn't retaliate. "Let's move out." I commanded, setting off down the road with my gun held across my chest in both hands. Suddenly, Captain America's voice came over my earpiece.

"Laura, Sam, I want you two to take the house right at the very end. Me and Nat are going to take the one on the left of you and Tony and Clint are in the house to the right."

"Copy that Captain." I said as I broke into a light jog in order to get to my destination faster, I just hoped that Sam was following.

I came up to the front of the final house right at the end of the street and put my back against the wall, standing next to the front door. Sam came up opposite me and put himself in the same position. I held my gun up, with one hand on the door handle.

"One." I mouthed to Sam

"Two." He mouthed back

"Three." We whispered together as I pushed down gently on the handle to make sure I made as little noise as possible. The door clicked a little when I opened it but it wasn't enough to alert anyone of our presence. It swung open slowly and I put the hand that had pushed the handle down back on my gun, pointing it forwards as I crept into the house, making sure that my footsteps were light. I turned my head to look at Sam and twitched my gun to the left, indicating that I wanted him to check the living room while I poked my head into the dining room. Everything was clear but the small rectangular table had marks in the dust that was layered on top of it and one of the chairs was pulled out at a slightly off angle to all the other chairs. Someone had been here not too long ago. I turned away from the room and headed towards the stairs when I saw Sam come out of the living room with his index finger pressed to his lips. I stopped moving and listened for a moment. Sam pointed down the hall to a room directly in front of us. The linoleum and cabinets made me hazard a guess that this was the kitchen and he was right, I could here very quiet shuffling, almost as if something, or someone, was trying to hide their presence. Cautiously, I made my way down the hallway and towards the room with my back to the wall and my gun pointing forwards, finger on the trigger; ready to shoot. Before I slid myself into the room I turned around and whispered to Sam

"Don't fire at him unless he becomes threatening. He's probably scared and confused right now and us pulling the trigger won't help." he nodded in understanding and we both stepped into the room.

The first thing I saw was the glint of light reflecting on metal and a loaded 22 magnum on the table he was slumped at, all ragged hair and tattered black clothes. He raised his eyes to look at me and in them I saw the terror and the panic and the confusion; without realising, I had started to take steps closer. The one thing that amazed me was that he didn't move, he just watched me approach him. He didn't make a move to grab the gun, that was easily in his reach, or to dart out of the door, he just sat there, until Sam shouted

"Laura! What are you doing?!" and ran to stand in front of me. That was when the soldier picked up his gun and stood up. That had to be one of the most terrifying moments of my life but the thing is, I wasn't scared for myself, I was scared for Sam who had broken into a sprint and ran out of the house, presumably to alert the others. The Winter Soldier started off in pursuit and I knew something had to be done, so before he could reach the door frame I darted to his front and set myself in a solid stance to let him know that I wouldn't be going anywhere. It miraculously worked and he stopped in his tracks, looking down at me, confused.

"Bucky, listen to me." I had no idea what I was doing but I had to stall him somehow until the team got here and this was the only way, even if I was violating Steve's waiting rule. "I know this is scary, ok? I know you're probably confused and afraid but you don't have to be. We're here to help you." The faint sound of boots on the ground could be heard behind me but I was focusing on looking this man straight in the eye and trying to keep him calm, "Believe me when I say that I know what this is like. It's no fun to be someone's puppet and have them control every fibre of your being, but you don't have to let them do that any more. You have a choice. If you come with us, if you let us take you, we can help you to remember who you are and you don't have to hurt any more people. You can pull your own strings. Will you let us help you?" by the time I had asked that question the house was surrounded and Steve and Sam stood on either side of me but I wasn't paying attention. Bucky honestly looked as if tears were going to start rolling down his face but his expression was still as stone, like a deer in headlights. In a moment of impulse, I reached out my hand and placed it on his metal forearm. It was cool and smooth against my skin and he didn't flinch so I took a step closer to him, still staring into his murky blue eyes. I took the opportunity to slowly slip handcuffs onto his wrists and lead him gently down the hallway and out of the house. Everyone around us had frozen in horror and looked astounded that I had gotten him to co-operate so easily. There was only one simple answer to the questions of 'how' written on their faces and that was that I had been in his position and I knew what it was like to have someone barricade you in and aim guns at every part of your body; it's not exactly the most soothing of situations and it makes you panic more if people start yelling at you. Just then, Steve came over my ear piece

"Good job Laura, how the hell did you manage that? I've known him my whole life and he tried to shoot me when I tried reasoning with him."

"It's all a matter of circumstance, Steve." I replied, holding my left index finger to my comms so that my message could be relayed, my other hand was still on Bucky's forearm

"Well, it doesn't matter how you did it for now. Just get him to the van so we can get him back. I want you to ride with him so that you can work your magic if he starts getting a little scatty."

"Rodger Rodgers." I grinned to myself. While I was loading the Winter Soldier into the van, one thought crossed my mind constantly, like a record on repeat: Why didn't he try to kill me? And why didn't he make a run for it? Before I could begin to think of answers to my questions the Captain came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder

"I want to test something on our way back so Natasha will be in with you and I'll be sat in the cab just in case anything goes wrong, but I have a theory as to why he didn't attack you." I nodded to show that I understood and climbed into the back of the van, closing the double doors after Natasha who climbed in just after me.

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