"Oh, that's up to you, child."

And Percy was pulled backwards, through the grey and black dimness and into his comfortable bed.


Percy's arms were around her waist, his cheek pressed against her warm shoulder when he woke up. The sun wasn't even up yet, and the clock on the wall read 3 a.m.

Annabeth was breathing steadily, he could feel her heart beating, and her hand was over his own. Percy had to say, he didn't want to get up. The aspect of leaving her even a moment was terrifying. He knew he'd have to get up, and quickly, because he felt as if in moments he'd doze off and that'd be even less time for him to make a plan.

He now knew he couldn't do this alone. He needed someone to help him save her. He wasn't strong enough to do it on his own.

And as Percy softly untangled his hands from her waist and started to get up, an idea hit him like a train.

Who deals with death all the time?

A crazy, but somewhat brilliant, plan linked into place. He knew this was the thing that would tip the scales in his favor. If he could just get Nico to answer to an Iris Message...


Nico wouldn't answer to the Iris Message.

Percy had tried everything, waving his hands around, whisper-shouting (he didn't want to wake Annabeth. She hated waking up in the middle of the night.) but the Son of Hades just wouldn't rouse. The kid could sleep.

After around ten minutes, Nico finally opened an eye and looked at Percy with loathing, "What in my father's name are you doing, Jackson."

Percy sighed in exasperation, "Finally! There's an emergency, Nico."

He talked to Nico well over an hour trying to explain what was happening. At first, the boy didn't believe him, but after a while he sat up and listened, bleary eyed, as Percy described what the plan was.

"So, you want me to guard her while you take out a god?" Nico said quietly, looking skeptic. Percy paused.

"When you put it that way, it sounds idiotic." He admitted, "But seriously, we have to keep her safe."

Nico nodded, standing up from his bed and walking to the Iris Message, "I'll be over there in ten seconds."

"What-?" The Iris Message disconnected, leaving Percy standing in his bathroom in confusion. Nico couldn't possibly make it all the way to Percy and Annabeth's apartment from Camp in ten seconds. That would take, like, a super scooter or-

"Are you just going to stare at yourself in the mirror? And we say Apollo is vain..." Said a voice behind him. Percy jumped, spinning around to come face to face with Nico di Angelo, his Stygion sword hanging at his side. Percy was still slightly taller than him, but Nico was catching up quick, he was only three inches shorter now.

"How did you-"

"Shadow traveling. Where are we taking her, again?" Nico cut him off, turning and opening the door from the bathroom so he could step out into the living room.

"Uh. Montauk." Percy blinked, "It's a small place. Don't think they'd suspect anything."

"And near water." Nico added, looking around the dark room. Percy flicked on the lights and everything blinked into view. Nico had a small smile on his face as he looked around, examining the twinkling lights around the kitchen, looking at the pictures of Percy and Annabeth and their friends on the table by the door.

The Seven Ways to Say Goodbye (Percabeth Fanfiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now