Chapter 37 Brian's Third Night

Start from the beginning

"Brian good to see you," Mr. Fong said cheerfully as they both walked over to me.

"It's good to see you sir," I said lying through my teeth.

"Well I shall see you guys off don't stay too long Dially," Mr. Fong said as he left me with her.

"Okay tell me the truth what really happened to Brock," I said to her once I knew Mr. Fong wouldn't be able to hear us.

"Well I was wondering when you were going to push the subject," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on tell me," I asked and she sighs.

"It's a long story," she said and I looked plainly at her.

"I have time," I said and she nods.

"Well it was the beginning of this restaurant. I didn't know very much as I was barely brought into the restaurant and into the Fong Family. I'm very thankful that they took me but I really didn't sign up for this," she said and I nod.

"I think I only met Brock once and he was telling me about the restaurant. He was very kind a sweet and sort of awkward," she said and I chuckled.

"That's just Brock being Brockward like usual," I said and she laughs.

"Yeah but that was the only time I ever saw him. From what I heard from the buzz in the Animatronics was that he was caught snooping and he had to go," she said and I looked down.

"Yeah Lui told me about that," I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well you should be prepared it's 11:45 already," she said as she looked at her watch.

"Holy I could have been talking to you about Brock and not even notice the time go by," I said as I took my phone out.

"Don't fuck this up," Dially said as she turned and left.

"What took you so long," Sean asked as he picked up the FaceTime.

"I lost track of time and I only have ten minutes to study who's going to come at me," I said quickly making my way to the office.

"Well then hurry up," Sean said as I set him down.

I pulled out the black book and opened it to the night 3 animatronics. So far it seems like Moo is making a reappearance, with a new comer Mini and another one named SilentDroidd. Mini and Moo's are simple enough but I'm very puzzled at Silent Droidd's.

"You look puzzled," Sean asked as I stared at him.

"Yeah it's Silent Droidd's movements I don't understand," I said and he asked me to read it to him.

"Silent Droidd

The Silent Death

Taking his time to get to your office, and true to his name, you'll barely notice him leave the stage. He works well with Mini as Mini makes a lot of noises while he slips with every silent step he takes. You'll barely have any time to shut the doors when he comes to them.

He appears on either the left or right side. His call is so quiet that you'll be lucky that you would even notice it. And even if you did notice it, you'll only have six seconds to decide if he's either in the left or right. His words of you manage to catch them is "Wanna go to Cockatoos."

Threat Level: 6," I said.

"Wow have fun with that one," Sean only said as the clock struck 12.

I opened the camera up and suddenly I was debating if I should use it. I mean Moo was very fun to talk to and Mini doesn't seem so bad but the one I'm focused on is Silent Droidd. I feel like the cameras are the only thing that'll keep an eye on the silent animatronic. Already I could tell that Mini was ready to play.

"Who's up first," Sean asked as dark brown eyes stared directly at the camera.

"Mini but he's not the one I'm worried about," I said as the screen faded into static and soon Mini was gone.

"Is it Silent Droidd," Sean asked and I kept quiet.

"Don't worry you'll be fine you've gotten this far," Sean said trying to reassure me.

"I mean yeah time is flying by quickly I mean it's already been 30 minutes," I said as the clocked ticked by.

"See it'll soon be six and you get to go home and relax for another day," Sean said and I smiled at him.

I was about to say something else to him, when I heard the sign that Mini was at my door. I quickly shut the left side of the door to earn a chuckle from the animatronic himself.

"You are getting way to close with these close calls," Sean said.

"Yeah but hey I'm still alive now," I said and he chuckles.

Once I knew it was safe to reopen the door, I opened it and I then talked to Sean. It felt good to just talk to him. We didn't talk about the game. We just talked about how our lives were going on. And as I felt every second pass by, I knew that my time was slowly running out. I could feel Moo's presence standing at the door but what surprises me was that he never entered.

It seems like Moo could tell that I've given up on ever continuing in from this point. I'd want to but I have no more strength in me. I'm just slowly talking to Sean using the last of my energy to continue talking to him. I wonder if he realizes that I had given up.

I heard soft footsteps walk towards the left door and I heard Silent Droidd's soft voice. I wanted to move but I couldn't bring myself to close the door. Hearing the footsteps come into the office. I heard Sean's panicked voice coming from the call telling me to run, but I just ignored and smiled to him softly.

"T-t-there is a reason why t-t-they call me the S-s-s-silent Death but I have seen y-y-you put up a fight and you shall d-d-deserve the most honorable death," Silent Droidd whispered/stuttered in my ear.

Feeling a needle pierce my skin, I could only feel myself get drowsier. I looked back at the call I was in and I could see the horrified look Sean's face. I just gave him a smile and then ended the call. Closing my eyes, accepting the cooling death that was calling me. But this time I felt someone was holding me, someone warm instead of metal.

Rip Brian you fought valiantly. Sup guys lol. For those who guessed he make it to night 3 good for you. This was one of the saddest death that I have written I cri evrytiem lol. Who do you think is next? Is it Luke, or Sean?

Thanks for the support and with lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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