Leave me alone

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Lauren POV

"Mani no I'm not going"
"Lauren you have to"
"And why is that"
"Because it's like the party of the year , you have to"
"You know I don't like party's"
"You do once you're having fun"
"No I don't"
"Lauren you are going"
"I'm not"

Mani knows I don't like party's, I get anxious when I'm in a room with more than six people, why would she think going to a party in the biggest university somethings I want to do, I didn't even want to go here, I wanted to go to a small local university, but no I ended up going here, don't get me wrong this is one of the top university in Miami but it's not what I like.

I have had anxiety since I was young and I struggle with it a lot, so when I feel an attack coming I have a pass to leave class because if I do it in front of my classmates it would probably just get worse, so I come to my dorm room and get to calm down. The school had been really understanding about everything that happened and helped me and they told the university and they understand completely, so it's not all that bad.

"Fine Lauren, you stay here, be boring, you can't live your life  being scared of everything"
"Leave me alone"
"Laur I'm sorry"
"No mani leave me alone"
"Lauren I'm-"
"Leave me alone!"
I ran to the door and kept running I don't know where I am going, just not here.

Hope you like it don't forget to Vote and leave a comment because like why not 😊

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