"Okay, who can tell me why DNA cannot leave the nucleus?" The teacher asks, smiling as my hand shoots up into the air. "Ms. Logan?"

"DNA cannot leave the nucleus due to being two stranded instead single stranded like RNA." I answer, grinning knowing I got the answer right.

"Correct, Ms. Logan." She smiles. "Someone must of been looking ahead in the book."

"Guilty is charged." I joke, smiling.

"Okay, everyone open your books to pages 394." She calls, a twinkle in her eye. I can tell today is going to be a good day. Even though in the back of mind something telling me that something will go wrong.


I walk into the girls bathroom and let's say it's kinda packed due to it being passing period. I drop my bag over by the door and grab one of the open stalls. Quickly I finish my business and get out of the room full of bitchy, judging teenage girls with their crazy hormones.

I spot Daxton in front of me, hugging Gabby and kissing her in a not so innocent way. Their lips crashing on each other and he's giving Gabby a nice boob massage, if you know what I mean. He looks up and locks eyes with me then pushes Gabby off of him.

Quickly I dart through the crowd avoiding him to the best of my power. I find my College Algebra class and walk in just as the bell rings. Saved by the bell.

"Okay everyone," Mrs. Evans, the teachers says, clapping her hands together. "Please get out your homework from this weekend."

Why was I so hurt that he was kissing Gabby? It's not like I have a crush on him. He only asked me out on a date that's it. But it hurt me when he kisses her and holds her hand. Maybe he's a player. I wish Cassie told me because I kinda like him I think.

"Ms. Logan?"

"Yes?" I answer, snapping out of my thoughts. "Sorry."

"What did you get on number 8?" Mrs. Evans asks, I glance down at my worksheet and see I got C.

"I got C) x=-.2." I reply, feeling a bit light headed for some reason. "Mrs. Evans, I don't feel too good. May I go to the nurse?"

"Yes, do you need someone to come with you?" She asks, a sober smile is plastered on her face.

"No, I think I can manage." I reply, walking out of the classroom.


"What?" I call out, looking around. Sighing I continue my journey to the nurse's office. A wave of nausea hits me like a semi truck. The worlds starts to spin as I try to speed walk to the nurse. Then black dots appear in my vision as another wave of lightheadedness hits and my head slams on the ground and darkness consumes me.

Daxton's P.O.V

'I'm being such a bad mate to her.' I sigh, roaming the hallways because honestly I don't want to go back to Pre-Calculus.

'And may I mention the fact that you asked her out on a date and, yet she has found you not once but twice sucking face with Gabby.' Rocco adds in a unhappy voice.

'I know, I need to end it with her, but Rocco my dude she's so good in bed.' I admit, sighing, remembering how I've made her scream and moan in ways I didn't know that were possible.

'Gross, I pity Hattie for having to deal with you.' Rocco gags, rolling his eyes.


'Because I would bet money she saved herself for you.' Rocco says in a knowing voice.

'Why are you saying that?' I ask, tilting my head to the side.

'To open your eyes. She could leave you and cancel the date or reject you all together.' Rocco says, sadly.

'No, she wouldn't do that.' I reply, honestly.

'How do you know, Mr. Player?' Rocco shoots back.

'I don't, but-'

'Then maybe she will when she finds out about it.' Rocco says, truthfully.

'I won't let her.' I reply, angrily

'Oh you won't, Mr. Big Bad Alpha? Because you're acting like a seven year old child. You need to get your act together because frankly I would like to have a mate.' Rocco growls angrily. I feel bad that a honest wolf like himself got stuck with me, a player.

'Me too.' I reply, bluntly.

'Then start acting like it.' That shut me up as I faintly hear a bang and the faint smell of peppermint.

I sprint over to the smell and realize that it's Hattie.

'Damn, what's wrong with her?' I ask myself mentally.

'I don't know,' Rocco answers, honestly. 'Maybe you should take her to the pack doctor.'

'Good idea.' I reply, starting to sprint out of the school.

'I'm glad I'm the one out of the two of us with a brain.' Rocco comments, smirking.

I block him out partly because I need to focus on Hattie and partly because I want to cuss him out.

I can only faintly hear her heartbeat. I push my legs to move faster as I see the pack house.

I bust through the doors and run over to the pack doctors office.

"What's wrong, Alpha Logan?" The doctor asks me, her kind eyes watching me.

"My mate, Hattie passed out at school and I don't know why." I pause to take a breath. "I need you to find out why."

"Okay, I can do that." The doctor replies, gesturing to place Hattie on the bed in front of her. I gently lay my beautiful little mate on the bed. "I'll mind link you when I find out something, Alpha." She adds, unofficially telling me to leave.

"Okay." I reply and walk out the door. I walk outside and shift into Rocco. He gains control and shakes out his fur then sprints running off to who knows where. With me would if our mate will be okay.


Sorry about this, but you'll thank me later!!

Love ya,



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