Chapter 6: Wrong Yet Right

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Have you ever woken up, bright sunlight shining on your face, feeling sad yet happy? Feeling that everything is wrong yet right? That something or someone will cause your grief, your sadness or even worse... your death.

And the worse is that you feel happy to actually die for that person. Leaving everything, everyone you ove just for that one person cause it's the only way to save him. Because it's the only way you'll be in peace, knowing he isn'y in danger. Everything came in one single thought. I just wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. Cry for the unknown fear I felt in me. Laugh because I found the one I wanted to be with forever. 

Sadness. Happiness. They definitely do not work together.

Shaking off those terrible thoughts, I swung my legs over the right side of the bed. I just sat there, thinking.

Thinking of Ethan and how perfect he was. He was fit, handsome. Perfect cheeks. Blue green eyes and I always needed a map when I looked into his eyes, or else I'd just get lost into them. Black messy hair. He wasn't the bad boy type of guy. No, he was the sweet and shy and it made me love him even more.

But then i thought of how Isabella looked at him. She wanted him. She wanted him even though she knew that I liked him and I belonged with him. She didn't care about my feelings. She wanted to be Miss Popular and have all the guys at her feet. Even my parents wanted Ethan to be hers. I was the ugly one of the family anyway. They hated me.

I didn't even know that elves had soul mates. I thought only werewolves had them. Werewolves normally know when their  were around. They could smell them for kilometres. It was nothing like what human authors described in their books: realizing who their mates are, controlling themselves , then finally the first kiss or the guy who is popular in the story is a werewolf then there is the girl who might be a human or a werewolf and is the nerd and loser of the school. The male rejects his mate and then he feels extreme pain and regrets pushing his mate away. 

No. It was nothing like that in the real world. It was harsher. Let's take the example of a male werewolf who finds his mate. The male won't care if she is a vampire, werewolf, human, mermaid or any other creature. The male will forcefully grab her and push her against a tree or a wall then bite her on the neck or the shoulder. Either the drawing of a moon or a sun will appear on the bite. That is step one: The Marking.

Step two is the sharing of blood between mates. The wound will start bleeding heavily and the female will probably die if the male doesn't act quickly. The male will cut his wrist and feed her his blood. The female will greedily drink it. When step two is done, the love birds will look into each other's eyes and then the mating, which is step three, will start.

A lot of people envied the love between werewolves. Who wouldn't? Once they find their mate, they never leave them. They would even sacrifice their lives for their mates. The males look at their mates with so much love that forces you to look away. And baby werewolves are the most adorable things ever.

But a lot of people say that having a soul mate is a blessing and a curse. 

A blessing because you'll always be with a person who will protect and cherish you. You can depend on that particular person. 

A curse because once you're in love, you aren't free anymore. You devote yourself to that one person. And that first heart break... So painful, that it might change you.

No one had told me that elves could have soul mates. I hadn't read it in any book. My grandparents, who had been with me in every step of my childhood, handling me as if I'd break if i fell, had never told me.

I sighed. It was too early to think about all that.

I stood and shivered from my lack of clothing. Well, I just wear Hello Kitty shorts and an oversized shirt to sleep. A gust of wind made me tremble and my hair flew in every direction. I looked at my opened window. I didn't remember opening it... Had Ethan opened it? I don't think he did. I slowly walked to my window and silently closed it. 

I stepped into something soft. I looked down and saw something black at my feet. Kneeling down, I touched it. It was ash... 

Something caught my eye. Hidden in the pile of ash, was a necklace. It had a thin silver chain with a heart -shaped sapphire as a pendant. What a coincidence... My favourite gem stone was a sapphire...

I took hold of the necklace and cautiously examined the pendant. There was an engraving. It read:

I'll be your death. I'll be your life.

I suddenly remembered something. Remembered something that i never experienced, that happened a long time ago, before i was born but it was like I was part of it. Part of it lived in me.

And then I blacked out.

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Hello guys! :)

I'm sorry I didn't update earlier. I've been so busy! 

Anyhoooooo< here is chapter 6! Hoped you like it! Sorry for grammar mistakes. I know that the chapter was sort of crap! I was listening to music while writing it, and i guess that i just wrote what came to my mind. 

No, Raadhiyah. I wasn't listening to 1D ;)

Comment, Vote, Share and Eat Gummy Bears <3

I dedicate this chapter to my best friends ( Smith and Radio <3).

Love you guys <3

-HorseLover <3

P.S: Don't forget to eat gummy bears. ;)

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