Chapter 5: She's my everything

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Ethan's Point of View

I kissed her forehead tthen headed out of the room, quietly shutting the door. I sighed as I leaned against the door.

She was so perfect. Brown hair. Hazel eyes that twinkle. Rosy cheeks. Plump pink lips. Her laugh was contagious and was like music to my ears. Her voice gave me shivers. She was beautiful.

When I saw her enter the living room, I was in shock. Soul mate, said a voice in my head. I couldn't believe that someone so beautiful could be mine. I had watched as she had walked to introduce herself to my siblings and my parents. She was as graceful as a ballerina. She hadn't noticed me yet and I had been glad of that. Thoughts had been running through my head. Thoughts of grabbing her petite waist and kissing her until she was out of breath. Thoughts of claiming her mine. Thoughts of telling her that I loved her.

But I had restrained myself from doing that. Firstly, because I couldn't just grab her and kiss her in front of our parents, sisters and her grandparents. Our parents and her grandparents would have been in complete shock and Ishika, being the cheeky one, would have probably screamed out: "Ethan and Eleanor sitting on a tree kissing." Smiti would have probably said "Aw!" and would have smiled broadly while Raadhiyah would have just jumped up and down and screaming out One Direction songs. Secondly, I didn't have the courage to do that. Despite being a boy, I was shy. Thirdly, I didn't know if she felt the same way. Humans don't usually know who their soul mates are.

The feelings I felt for her couldn't be described. Love, affection, longing but also fear. Fear for no possible reason. I was scared of my soul mate, the love of my life, the one I was destined to be with. My love for her powered that fear but it still remained there, in the tiniest corner of my heart and a voice in the back of my head told me to stay away from her, to forget what I felt for her. But I just couldn't. She was like gravity, she attracted me to her. 

I sighed again and ran down the stairs where I bumped into Isabella. I mentally groaned in annoyance.

"Ethan, what were you doing upstairs?" she asked flirtatiously.

"I was watching a movie with El," I replied, annoyance dripping from every word.

"Oh, well what about we watch a movie in my room?" she asked, while tangling her finger with mine.

"No. I've got other stuff to do. Good bye."

I untangled my fingers from hers and stormed into the living room where every one was. How dare she touched my hand? Only Eleanor could do that! Only El!

I entered the living room where I found Ishika asleep on the couch and my parents and Eleanor's grandparents in deep conversation. Her parents must have gone to sleep.

"Hey," I said.

"How was the movie?" Smiti asked cheekily.

"What movie?" I lied.

"Ethan, we might be smaller than you but we're not dumb. Who goes to the toilet and stays there for three hours? No one. Unless you have constipation... but that doesn't last three hours," rambled Raadhiyah.

"Woah, woah, woah. Stop right there. When did you become Miss Know-It-All?" I laughed.

"That's not the point. I repeat my original question: How was the movie and how was it, cuddling with Eleanor?" said Smiti as her right eye dropped into a wink.

My parents and the grandparents silently laughed.

 "Original question, huh? I don't remember you mentioning cuddling with El in the original question!" I replied.

"Just answer the question, Ethan!" scolded Smiti.

"Okay, okay. We watched a movie and she fell asleep and-." A voice suddenly interrupted me.

"I bet that she fell asleep on your shoulder, then you put your arm around and she woke up because your arm pit stinked," laughed Ishika. Everyone giggled along.

"I thought you were asleep," I said while sitting on the couch.

"It's called acting," she replied, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm.

"Well, here your punishment for eavesdropping," I said as i grabbed her and tickled her. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she laughed.

"Ethan, stop!" she giggled.

"Say that you're sorry!"

"I'm sorry! I won't eavesdrop again!" 

"Good," i replied with a gentle smile.

"As a matter of fact, I'm not sorry," she said, then she ran to our mom. That cheeky girl!

"Thank you, Elizabeth for inviting us," said my mother.

"No need to thank me, Danielle. It was a pleasure to have you."

We bid good byes, then left. Before entering the car, I glanced up at Eleanor's room. I smiled, thinking of her peaceful angel face while she slept. She was my everything, from now on.

I was just about to get in my car when I noticed something. The air smelt weird. It smelt of dry blood and decaying, dead bodies. The wind blew and something came along with it. It entered my eyes and my nose. I kmelt down to examine it. I touched it carefully. It looked like that substance that is created when you burn human bodies, or that comes from volcanic eruptions...

The word suddenly rang in my head.


Then another word.


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