My perfect life

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Hi, my name is 17 and i live with my mum at home..and about my dad i never really knew mum said he left and she never really told me the reason why..anyways my life right now is like perfect..i have the perfect friends,great teachers and a really loving boyfriend and a really great school..I LOVE MY LIFE

Demi‘s pov

I woke up in the morning..really thankful that i had a perfect life even without my dad my life is still great..i took a shower,wore my clothes and running down the stairs. I smelled something good and that can only mean one thing..PANCAKES!! I greet my mum with a kiss on the cheek
“Morning mum“
“Morning sweetie“
I grab one pancake and shove it into my mouth and ran out the door and saying bye to my mum

At School

I reached school in my car and ran towards my friends who were waiting for me at the school entrance
“Hey guys,ive missed you guys and how was the summer“ i asked my best friends Selena,Taylor and Miley..They all replied that it was great..
I saw my boyfriend Zac at the corner of my eye walking towards me..
“Hey baby“ he said greeting me with a kiss on my cheek and a hug..god i missed him
“I missed you so much and I love u which you already knew“ he said making me blush
“Me too“ i said
We said our goodbyes as we set off to our classes

I enter the history class and i make my way to the back sitting on my desk.. The day went by so fast and i made my way home in my i was entering the was quiet and my mum wasn‘t home...I took a shower and wore my clothes and sat on the coughe at the living room watching Tv..

I fell asleep and i woke up when my mum burst into the house slamming the door really hard..i wonder what happened...she ran upstairs and came downstairs a few moments later and was carrying with her a bag.. She looked scared and worried..she threw the bag at me and said

“Demi hurry up..we gotta get out of here now“

“What?? Mum i don‘t understand..what happened?

“I ‘ll explain everything later..Okay?..just hurry up and pack your things“ said my mum with her shaky voice

“I ran upstairs and pack all the things i need and then i ran downstairs toward the front door..i saw my mum waiting outside at the car for i made my way towards the door..suddenly the door slammed close and their stood a man with a knife in his hand

I gasped and throw my bag at distract him while i ran up the stairs..
I ran towards my room and suddenly i felt someone grabbing my hand and pulled me into a closet

He closed my mouth with his hand and told me to be quiet..I can tell thats he is a guy just by the touch of his hand..i felt safe and scared at the same time..who is this guy? How can i trust him cause i don‘t even know him..He had me pinned against the wall..our body close to eachother..I gotta do something..i should‘nt trust him cause maybe he wants to kill me too..I think of so many things on what should i do and then something pop into my mind..Okay i can do this..on the count of one..1..2..3 I thought to myself as i kicked him in his nuts with my knee and ran out of the closet..God please don‘t let me die..

First chapter..i hope u guys love it..ill try to update whenever im free..thank u guys for reading
I won‘t force u guys to comment or vote if guys don‘t like but i would really appreciate it if u guys do :)

love you guys and stay strong :)
im sorry if there are any mistakes

love ya :)

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