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I pulled open his fridge and balanced on one leg as I searched for a snack. He ate about as healthy as someone could eat and the lack of jello cups & pop tarts in his house was in my opinion, disgraceful. I spotted a full jar cherries and pulled them off the shelf. I screwed open the lid as I walked back over to the table. He gave me a look as I set the jar down on the table top.

"Really? I know I don't have tons of snacks but I'm sure I've got something other then syrupy fruit in a jar." He looked at me curiously.

"Yes but I didn't want kale chips." I raised a brow. "Plus cherries are my fav." I said as I dipped my fingers into the cold liquid and pulled out the blood red fruit and soaked it into my mouth.

He watched me with his head resting in his palm as if I was the most interesting creature he had ever seen.

"Hmm." He huffed and switched his attention back to the book in front of him.

  "What's your grade?" He exhaled , examining the book.

"Huh?" I asked, distracted by the fruit in my fingers.

  "Your calculus grade?" He set the book down and looked at me.

  "Ew, Spence. I don't know." I said annoyed that he was  actually starting to  discuss summer school with me again.

    "Well if it's really bad, your dad will probably fire me." He tapped the pencil in his hands on the table top.

I rolled my eyes. My dad would never fire him. Spencer was his best employee and his protege. He had even briefly mentioned the idea of leaving the company to Spence one day. He had nothing to worry about.

"I don't know, I'm passing." I fished for another cherry.

"Well I think you should at least be a little more concerned." He insisted.

"I've got it under control, Spence. I've never failed a class." I said firmly.

"It's my job it's kind of a big deal."

"I know."

"I just think-"

"Spencer!" I yelled. "Please."

His eyes softened as he saw I was annoyed.

"Sorry." He breathed softly.

I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair. He stared at me clearly feeling bad.

He leaned forward, across the table and kissed me.

I was a little taken back because it was the first time he had kissed me first. He was always too hesitant to initiate it. Warmth spread through my body and I couldn't help but crack a blushing smile.

"Hey I like that." I smirked.

"So all I have to do is kiss you and you'll stop being mad at me?" He tilted his chin up.

"Sometimes." I said. He kissed me again.

"Okay, most of the time."

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