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I pulled the bright red cherry out of my cold glass of Coca Cola and wrapped my lips around it, delicately pulling the fruit from the stem. I glanced up at him and saw his jaw clench slightly as he tried to continually focus on his conversation with my father.

      "Spencer are you good at calculus?" I blurted into the dialogue that I had been tuning out.

    "I'm alright." He shrugged

   "Because my summer school grade is really sliping and I could use some help." I said innocently.

   My father- who expected nothing less than  straight A's from me was suddenly concerned.  "You think you could tutor her, kid?"

    Spencer's eyes flickered back and forth from my dad and I.

   "Uh yeah. Yeah I could do that." He said politely.

   "What day works for you?" I asked

    "Fridays probably? He said in a hesitant voice.

    "Perfect! That would be great, thank you." I smiled and he nodded politely.


    Friday rolled around and I drove myself to Spencer's house. A spacious, nice home that he had all to himself for awhile now- about 25 minutes from home. I knocked on the door and after a minute he pulled it open.

   "Hey." I smiled, toning down the flirtation.

     "Hi, come in." His hardly smiled but his  eyes glanced at my body.

     I walked in passed him into the entry way, gripping the strap of my backpack. He mumbled something like "over here" and pointed to the kitchen. I followed behind and looked around me at various picture frames of family members that hung on his walls. We entered the clean, minimal kitchen and sat down at the table that faced a glass screen door revealing a beautiful view of his garden.

"So.." He started. "Why're you in summer school?"

"My dad always makes me register so I 'retain all the information'." I rolled my eyes and rubbed my temple, genuinely annoyed.

"Hmm.. that's.. not fun." he replied trying to relate.

"It's fine. I guess. At least the tutor is cool." I rested my chin in my hand and looked over at him giving him a small smile. For a second he started to smile then abruptly snapped out of it and cleared his throat.

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