I sat down and so did everyone else. Mikayla sat all the way across from me and glared at me  knowing if I got any closer she would stab me. (She carried around pencils and she used those as a weapon)

"Lizlee you're up." The choir teacher announced. I crossed my fingers hoping she wouldn't cry since she already looked like she was.


I was up and I felt on the verge of tears. Still I held them in and got in front of the class and grabbed the microphone.

"I'll be singing Therapy by All Time Low and I think this song represents me because that's how I feel and how people treat me so here it goes." I announced and told the band to start the right chords.

Arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to. 

That part was dedicated to Aiden. That arrogant jerk! I wasn't going to tell them though. I finished the song and everybody broke into a roaring clapping crowd. They had done the same for Mikayla and I didn't think I would meet her good vocals.

I wanted to cry so once I finished the song I grabbed my bag and rushed out of class even if the bell hadn't rang yet.

I ran through the halls and luckily everyone was in class so I ran all the way outside to the side of the building. I just paced back and forth there moving my wavy hair out of the way of my face while tears continued running down.

I thought it could change here too but it never will.


Once Lizlee ran out the door I followed her. The teacher just continued with the students singing their solo but I followed Lizlee through the hallways to outside. Jason was gonna go comfort his cousin but I made him sit down and let me handle it. This was a girl thing. Yes I can be very kind and caring when I needed to be and this was one of those times.

"Lizlee!" I yelled but she didn't hear me. We got outside and I yelled her name again. This time she heard me. I noticed she was crying alot.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her gently. We were alone out there since everyone was in class.

"Aiden. My life." She responded.

"What happened with Aiden?" I asked her.

"He broke up with me because apparently I'm not worth it and he's right." She admitted.

"Look Aiden was a jerk then! He doesn't deserve you and you'll find someone better who likes you for who you are." I told her.

"Don't you get it?! I'm not worth anything! Anywhere I go I'll always be the loner of the school! No one will want to be my friend and everybody will just think that I'm some worthless piece of trash. You wouldn't know how it feels now would you since everybody likes you!" She snapped. I could feel a tear going down my eye.

No one has ever made me cry but what she just said brought all the painful memories that i kept locked up coming at me all at once.

"Actually I would. I have been treated like trash. I've been abused and dragged around as if I wasn't worth anything and no not everyone likes me. Many people hate me but I learn to ignore it all. Guess why I'm so mean sometimes so people won't think I'm weak and leave me alone. I learned to deal with it all and stay strong." I confessed.

She stared at me in disbelief and then guilt flashed her face. I was crying alot now and I turned around and walked away to the dorm. I wanted to crawl in a ball and never come out of it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know! I'm so selfish." Lizlee whispered the last part.

I just continued walking with flashbacks going through my head back and forth. I winced at every memory.

I felt pain I just didn't deal with it but sometimes it just comes back biting you in the butt. I finally got to the dorm and I went into my room dropping my stuff on the floor and getting under the covers and hiding under them.

I heard Lizlee come in running to our room.

"What happened before you transferred here? You never talk about your family or where you came from and I need to know what happened so I can understand." Lizlee explained standing over my bed but I remained quiet.

After a few minutes of me not getting out from under the covers I heard her sigh and then walk away to the living room. I wouldn;t tell anyone what really happened. I wasn't going to relive it once again.

I heard whispers coming from the living room knowing school was now over and the guys had finally gotten back to the dorm. I ignored it though and went into the only escape I had, sleep.

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