Chapter 2: Who Was Loki and Thor?

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"What do you mean?" I asked scared to a small child maybe around the age of  9.

"I'm saying were lost brother." The boy with the black hair and emerald green eyes hissed as he tightened his hold on a small knife.

"How can we be lost." My voice sounded young, maybe at the age of 7.

"This happens Percy." The boy said as he put a calming hand on my shoulder.

"I'm scared Loki." I said as I noticed I was also holding this knife with whitened knuckles.

"Thor will find us soon." The black haired child said.

"Is that better or worse." I asked feeling nervousness clawed at my chest more specifically where my heart was as I fought to not cry.

"I know you're scared Percy, I'm sorry we got in this mess." The Green-Eyes child said.

I heard a sniffle and knew it was mine, "It's okay Loki, I just want to see mommy again and go back to bed." I said and felt arms wrap around me in a secure hold.

"I know brother, I know." He said as I felt his hands rub my back in a calming motion as we sat underneath a large tree in a dense forest.

I woke up with a staggered breath, feeling my heart racing as I recalled the dream.

My name was Percy? The other child-Loki, why was he there. What did he mean brothers? Who was Thor? Why would he finding us be bad?

Questions swarmed my mind and I clutched it as I felt it start to hurt. Remembering where I was, I quickly got to my feet and saw that I was clutching a sword.

When did I get this?

Shaking my head I instantly reached into my pocket and produced this pen cap. Without realizing it sooner, I put the pen cap on the sword and then watched mesmerized as it shrunk down into a pen.

It felt so natural.

Why was it so natural?

Who was I and why don't I remember anything?

Sighing I looked around feeling like I was in a place too long and trudged forward into the forest that was in front of me.

But it felt wrong...terror was spiking through me with each step and I found myself more paranoid than I should be.

What was wrong with this place?

Why did my arms keep twitching toward the pen.

Were the shadows moving?

What was happening?

A swoosh went behind me and instantly the sword was out again as I watched my surrounds and heightened my senses.

It was weird, like I felt all around the place, like the water in the air was reaching out...calling to me.

But why the water?

How did I know it was the water?

Nothing was making sense.


I instantly turned around with enough time to do a roll-dodge, the attack of claws would've taken off my head if I hadn't reacted.

Turning around I was faced with a creature that reminded me of a bird, yet a woman.

Instead of hands, there were wings. Instead of feet, there were claws. Her face was also not that of a completely human woman, she had almost pointed hair like that of the scruffs of birds neck and her face had these markings that were distinctive with birds.

(Book 2) Perseus Jackson-Odinson: Till Death Do We Part (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now