Day 5

5 3 8

Melody~ POV
I was with my friends and I accidentally fell, then Natashi helped me get up, I blushed and I made the same mistakes I do when I'm around him. This happened:

Melody: oh, my! I'm so sorry, I'm awkward is moment this! I mean awkward I'm moment this is! Sorry! This is an awkward moment! There I meant that... *blushes and smiles nervously*
Natashi: it's ok, it was my fault. *helps Melody get up* we should get together soon to study. *smiles*
Melody: y-yeah, sure! Sounds great! *smiles and blushes more*
Natashi: is it ok that we meet at my house?
Melody: sure! How about you call me, then I go to your house and we study?
Natashi: awesome! See ya later, Melody!
Melody: see ya later... *sighs* Natashi...
Lilith and Mary: You two are the perfect couple!
Melody: yes...
Lilith: it sounds to me like a date!
Mary: it does!
Melody: oh, girls don't be silly!

In another place of the school...

Sora: Alright! I finished the first season of Naruto! isn't that great?
Abby: Yeah, it is! (Abby's mind: Ah, He's cute....)
Diana: oh, my! You did?! I'm at the episode 35...
Layla: Really?! Diana, you are lost! I'm already in episode 39.

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