Day 3

9 3 0

Melody~ POV

Hey! I finally found my diary, I was getting worried about it. I found it on my sister's room. I never thought that Nira would do such thing as stealing my diary. Maybe she wanted to know my secrets, *laughs a little* she doesn't know I have a book to write about school! Oh, my! It's getting late! I need to eat breakfast extremely fast!

Another day, I'm back at school and everyone, everything is the same! I spend recess with my friends, I get bored in math class, I think about Natashi, someone (by someone I mean Sora) gets in trouble, same breakfast, same lunch, same teachers! This might take a while to change into a de-bored day. Maybe I can make plans with my friends and my bro, sis, sure... This would end like a total disaster, if not... What a miracle! Nothing going wrong!

I feel like Alice in Wonderland, I just saw a white bunny with a watch on his hand, *whispers* in the backyard of the school! Should I follow him? Oh, sure! I'll be the new Alice. I followed the bunny to a cave, where he fell on a hole that was in the ground, like always I'm curious, and I fell too. Later I was falling, I felt like I was falling from a cliff with no end, suddenly I was in a room, like a giants room with a huge table. I was so little, I mean small like a mouse and in front of me was a door, I tried to open it but it was locked, I fell to the floor and next to me was a brownie with icing, it said "eat me". Wow! All I did was read Alice in Wonderland and now, I am Alice! Of course I ate the brownie and I started to grow, obviously I was amazed with all and forgot that this wasn't my tale, I grew taller and bigger and on the table there was a key, I took the key and I found a water bottle that said "drink me", again i drank the water with the key in my hand cause i knew that Alice had to eat again some brownie, so I became smaller and I opened the door that was in front of me. Then I was in my "Wonderland" sure! I'm Alice!

But all this wasn't my "Happily ever after..." So I, kinda changed the story a little bit, in my version of "Alice in Wonderland" Alice just goes to a hole and marries a handsome prince! Isn't that great? But I want to go back with my friends and family, so I said I needed to rest and I fell asleep. (I forgot to do homework!! But shh don't tell anyone!)

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