Ch. 6: On my way to California

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*Niall's POV*

   "Niall! You need to smile and stop looking all depressed! You're writing an album, not attending a funeral!" the photographer yelled at me. I sighed and tried my best to smile at the camera, finding it difficult to even pull through this photo-shoot. I can only think of how I'm trying to get Jamie back.

  I know it might not even work, but I have to try!

 "Alright, alright! Take a break, I want Harry next." The photographer shooed me off. 'Finally,' I thought. I had been up there for two hours already. I grabbed my phone from the chair it was in backstage. I had been getting too distracted from it, so Paul took it away while I was getting m pictures done.

  I scrolled through Twitter, stumbling across one of Jamie's most recent Tweets. It was a beautiful picture of her, her hand was on her knee and she was staring straight at the camera, her curls falling in her face. Her eyes were practically popping out of the screen, the eyeliner and mascara bring them out. I stared at her for a second, taking in her beauty. Beside it was her actual Tweet. (A/N: Ik I keep switching models for Jamie, I'm sorry!)

   '@JamieTommo: Great day, great photo-shoot! Here's a sneak peek, but this is all you guys are getting! ;-)'

   She was doing photo-shoots as well? Wow, I wonder where she is now, it's beautiful. I open up their tour schedule and found the day she's performing next, which was next week. Then, they will be performing in California. Three nights ago they left, so I know they are already in America, so they must be staying in a hotel in California already.

   "Hello?...Oh, hey Camden!" My head snapped up at the sound of Jamie's bandmate's name. Louis had his phone pressed to his ear with a smiled on his face, but the smile dropped as I could hear the buzzing of Camden talking on the other line. I hope everything is alright.

*Louis' POV*

  I was looking through Twitter during our photo-shoot as Harry went. Jamie had posted a picture from their photo-shoot an hour or so ago. She wasn't smiling to the camera, so I guess it's a serious photo-shoot. I was about to scroll past when my phone started vibrating in my hand.

  I was getting a call from someone. I looked at the caller I.D., 'Camden Jackson'. I slid it sideways and held the phone up to my ear. I heard a lot of muffled voices on the other line.


  "Hi, Louis!" Camden's cheerful voice came to my ears.

  "Oh, hey Camden!"

  "Hey! So, umm...has Jamie talked to you recently?" she asked me, her tone turning worried.

   "Umm, not since you guys left, why?"

  "Well...she's sorta gone...quiet?" it came out as more of a question than a statement.

  "What do you mean, quiet?" Concern laced my voice as I thought of everything that could be going on.

   "Well...she hasn't talked...for like...a whole day. Not one word to anyone. We know one part of it, but I don't think that's all of it."

   "Well, what do you know?"

  "Mike, sorta, maybe, kissed her," she sighed. I felt a laugh coming up in my voice. I finally let out a short burst of laughter.

   "She's upset because he kissed her?!" Niall's head snapped in my direction. Anger filled his eyes, but I brushed it off and turned around. It serves him right, he broke her heart, he doesn't have any say in who she kisses.

   "Yeah, I think. He apologized to her the day it happened, and she told him it was fine and she didn't want to make it awkward, but that was the last she has talked in a entire day."

   I just sat there, a little confused.

   "If she forgave him, why is she not talking?" I asked. She sighed heavily before replying.

  "That's the thing, we don't know. After the photo-shoot, which she refused to smile in, Simon called and asked her to post one of the pictures, but she refused, saying she didn't want to get on any social media, so I had to post it for her so management didn't get mad."

   "So, do I need to call her?" I asked Camden.

   "Louis, if she won't talk to us in person, do you think she'll talk to you on the phone?" Camden asked me, with a 'duh' tone of voice.

   "Oh. Right." I paused for a minute. "So why did you call me?"

  "You're not on tour right now, are you?" she asked me.

  "Umm, no?"

  "Louis, I hate to ask this of you-"

  "Camden, she's my sister. I'll be in California by your show. How long can I join you guys on tour?" I cut her off.

   "As long as it takes to get her to talk. I talked with Simon, he said it's fine. Thank you so much for this Louis, we owe you so, so much. You might just be saving this tour!" she exclaimed. I chuckled lightly.

   "Lets just hope I'm right in saying that the tour would be fine without me there," I told her. She sighed again.

   "Louis, I'd like to say that that is true, but I don't think it is."

   "She's that bad, huh?"

   "Worse than when they first broke up. Just come, and come soon."

  "Okay, by Camden."

   "Bye Louis. See you by next week."

   I hung up the phone and turned around. I walked out of the hallway I had wandered into and went to find the lads. All of them were sitting on couches in a room backstage.

   "Hey guys, I have something to tell you."

   "What is it, Lou?" Liam asked from the couch, looking up from his phone.

   "I'm going to California. Jamie's gone mute on their band and Camden called. I don't know how long I'll be gone, probably until she's halfway back to normal. I'm going as soon as possible, probably tomorrow." Their heads all snap up to me. Liam looked worried, Harry and Zayn confused, and Niall's face saddened at her name. Poor lad-WAIT NO! I don't feel pity for him. I can't, he broke my sister's heart. He's the reason I'm going.

   "What happened?" Zayn asked me.

   "They don't know, that's why they called me."

   "Do you need me to go with you, mate?" Liam asked, worry written all over his features.

   "Probably not, Li. I'm joining them for their tour until she gets better. Sorry." He nodded his head in understanding. I said my goodbyes to the boys before I grabbed my keys and left the place we were doing our photo-shoot at and drove home.

   I guess I'm going to California!

Let Me Fix You (Threequel to Louis' Little Sister) *Complete*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant