He moves in

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J's P.O.V

"To day is the day he moves in" I say to myself
Today grain moves in, so today is the day I need to start being more careful. Grian isn't smart but he can't be fooled easily. His room has already been prepared (pic below)

I will have to some him around the tower and explain to him that I am a billionaire that works as a detective

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I will have to some him around the tower and explain to him that I am a billionaire that works as a detective.
I also have to explain that I sent Y to check on Sam every day. And that L and N are my half brothers. Huh all the boys in the family are geniuses and the girls are average when it come to iq.

Knock Knock

"Who is it?!?" I yell out from inside my bedroom

"It's N, Grian had arrived and would like to talk to you. Oh and J can you please tell him that I am not your butler?" N says obviously annoyed that grain said that.

*time skip to after j tells grian about his money and his siblings*.

"And this is your room grian"  I say as I open the door showing him his room.
"One large bed,tv, full bathroom, desk,Mac book air, Xbox one and a small coffee table, I hope that this is enough to suit your needs grian. My room is to the right." I say heading to my room to star 'investigating' Y/N's disappearance.

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