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Jackson's pov

Ok I know have complete control of this pitiful mafia organization now I must set up my sis house and buy a apartment that overlooks the school hmmm, I'll get a penthouse and make up a story that I'm y/n half bro and that our parents were rich and that they died in a car crash and left me everything.
I'll have to do a little recon on the school and enroll me and sis.
(Le time skip brought to you by PANDAS)
Ok 3 hours later and me and sis are enrolled
And I've met all the school teachers hmm
The counselor might give me some trouble, and so might that cupacabra dressed as a man but nothing I can't handle.
(Le time skip brought to you by KNIVES)
Now I must infiltrate the school building and rig the classes, ok first that Gareth
Ok I manage to unlock the door and being to set up the cameras.
And then I feel it something is watching me,
"Hello Jackson, what might you be doing here?"
That voice I know it its.....Gareth!!!
Ok I guess I might have to kill him
"No.. You won't have to kill me I believe we might be able to help each other you want Sam, and I want taurtis."he says in a cocky voice.
"And how can you help me?"
"Oh you will just have me.
Now here's what you have to do."

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