Since when does grass own shoes?

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Ashley POV

Pulling into the bus lot I see someone jumping up and down in front of the bus and I am so happy that CC wasn't driving. I kick down at Jakes' bunk and in return have my ankle pulled out of my own bunk.

"Fuck your mother!" I screech when falling.

"Hey hey now, his mother is very nice!" Jinxx laughs. 

"I'm not even gonna comment," Jake mumbles. I hear a long groan from the back and know that Andy has found the peanut butter filled sock we left in the toilet. Sure enough Andy comes out, holding up the sock. 

"Someone care to tell me why a goo filled sock was on the toilet seat of which I placed my ass?" 

"Care to tell us if your ass is full of the goo?" I reply, sneaking a peek from the floor back at him whos face is slowly cracking into a smile. 

"Oh wouldn't you like to know?" he smirks and pelts the sock full force at me and actually misses me and nails Jake in the face. 

"Andy's ass essence is on my face!" he shouted and threw the sock down on me.

"I don't know which is worse, the fact that this is full of peanut butter and ruining my hair, or the fact that CC is still asleep," I point out. I throw the sock back at Andy and he silently moves towards CC's bunk and pulls back the curtain. I hold back my laughter when Andy squeezes the sock/ass peanut butter on CC. Quickly he closes the curtain and carries on as if nothing happened but I can see his shoulders shaking. Crazy fucker. I shake my head and pull myself up, using Jake's foot causing him to tumble out. 

"I hate you."

"I love you too." 

I grab a tooth brush and a bottle of some form of liquid and step off the bus. 

"Scrub a dub dub! Brushin' my teeth with some..." I look at the label, "scotch!"

"And rinse!" I gurgle, take a gulp and spit it out on what I thought was the grass. But since when did grass where high heels? And since when did grass scream? I slowly look up, letting my gaze linger on a sexy pair of legs. Pain shoots in my nose and I snap my head up. My vision becomes black and I feel blood pouring from my nose. 

"That felt fucking gorgeous!" I hold my head back and my hand to my nose.

"You ruined my shoes!" The voice is too familiar. I rip off the end of my shirt and stuff it up my nose, then look down at my attacker. Hot girl, red hair... all too familiar. Her eyes are open wide looking at me in surprise and I squint at her.


"Oh my god. I thought you weren't here this year!"

"Wait wait wait!" I hold my hand up in a stop motion, "since when were you a red head?" 

She rolled her eyes, "since I became a back up dancer."

"People still have them?" I let disbelief creep into my voice. 

"Why are you here?!" she screeches.

"BVB are headlining..." 

"Just my luck!" she screams, taking a handful of her new red hair, "I thought I was done with your shit!" 

"My shit?! I didn't do anything!" I reply. 

"Hey Ash, do you know where - Is that Crystal?!" Jinxx peeps his head out the bus door. Crystal screams, takes off her high heel and throws it full force at Jinxx who smartly ducked back inside just before her shoe dented his head. 

"Now that was uncalled for," I comment with a pointed look. She fixes me with a glare.

"Everywhere you are things turn to shit for me."

I gave her a grin and saunter past her, "You're not the only one, hun." 

Iris POV

Sitting on my armchair with my lovable doggy at my feet and cupping hot chocolate I study the pair in front of me. They are certainly twins alright. 

"Okay, I need answers."

They both nod simultaneously. Wow.

"Jesse, you did not tell me or lead me to believe you had a twin. What gives?"

She coughed nervously, "You never asked..."

"I never asked? You gave me no reason to believe you had a twin!" I have been to Jesse's house plenty of times and there was never any evidence of another kid, no pictures, no person, no nothing! 

"Sam's been with out Grandparents and was schooled by them..." 

"That does not explain why he has a gun."

"Oh this!" Sam holds up the gun and waves it around. I propel myself backwards, spilling the hot chocolate on me and Andy, causing him to jump up on me; whacking the mug half way across the room into a potted plant, with his tail. It's silent as Andy positions himself on me and sits firmly down. I look at the twins and suddenly burst out laughing. They soon joined in. 

"Oh my God that was hilarious!" Jesse squealed and kicked her legs up, doing a funny little snort in her laugh. Sam literally rolled over laughing and personally I think I peed a little bit. Finally the laughter dies down and my face turns serious.

"Thank you by the way," I say in a quiet voice and wrap my arms around Andy. 

"Honey, we'll get your shop fixed up. I promise," Jesse looks at me with earnest eyes. The real police had arrived later and sealed up the place and took my details in case they caught the people who stole my cash. Yup, they got away with more than eight hundred dollars. I was sickened. That went towards wages, equipment, bills and sometimes for an animal shelter where I got Andy. She nudges Sam.

"Yeah, definitely," he says in agreement. 

I smile into my dogs neck. We'd be okay. Somehow I don't believe it. 


Please do let me know what you think and thank you for reading! *hugs* 

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