Apple Of My Eye

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"Me?" I manage to choke out. 

"Yes, you." he replies, as if it was totally normal that anyone would want a tattoo of a plain Jane boring girl. 


He holds up a finger, "No questions, if you don't do it on me I'll just go to a different tattoo artist. But it'd mean the world to me if you'd do it." he looks at me with puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. 

"This way..." I lead him back to the room where I do the tattoos. Two walls are covered with tattoo designs, the other two with album covers of a shitload of bands, many I have befriended. He takes off his shirt, which was a faded Kiss t-shirt that I had worn so many times at Warped last year. He lay down on the doctor like seat, face up and looks at my confused expression. 

"You have to get to the area," he explains. 

I gulp, looking at his topless body. I can never get over it even though almost everyday last summer he was topless. "Where do you want it?"

He motioned to right to the area of his heart. My eyes bulge and my own heart swells. 

"You drew an eye the other day... Can I have that?"

I nod slowly, waiting for a reason.

"With your name underneath it." that's it. My heart just died. I can not take anymore. I plop down in the middle of the floor and just sit there, in shock. He jumps down and sits beside me.

"You okay?" 

I just gave him a look, "I don't want you to commit to that..."

"A tattoo that will mean something to me for as long as I live?"

"You don't know that, you could meet this gorgeous blonde on tour next week..."

"Not when I have a beautiful brunette a waiting for me..." he looks thoughtful and continues, "I will never stop loving you. I can't say the same for you loving me, but no matter what I would like you with me forever. Please." 

"Are you sure?"

"Never been more sure."

I nodded, blinking rapidly. "Then get your butt back up there."

"Yes Madame!" He salutes and stands up, pulling me with him. I go over to the massive stereo system and played BVB's new album, which opened up with Apple of my Eye. I remember sitting up with him all night, listening to him singing it and writting down ideas. I look at the small piece of paper in my hands of the eye that I had drawn two days ago. It is swirled with black around the edges and had a dept about it, like it held love and secrets. I prepare the needles and got to work. 

Two hours later I heard the bell ding to indicate someone coming in. I assume it iss Jesse.

"We're around back." 

The door opened, revealing not Jesse. But a guy. Short brown hair and a slight tan. His eyes are also a dark shade of brown. He looks tall, no where near as tall as Andy, but taller than me.

"Oh sorry, bad time." 

"I'll just finish up and I'll be right out."

The door is shut again. I look back at Andy, who's colour had drained his face. 

"Andy? Are you okay?"

"I know him..." he mumbles. I continue on the tattoo. 


"I went to school with him..." he sounds shocked. 

"Friends?" I ask stupidly.

"I had no friends. More like tormenters." 

"Oh! Okay, you stay in here when I go out to him okay?" I put the needle down and pick up some ointment. 

"No... I'll be fine. Not letting you out there alone with him anyway."

"Oh a protective side, should I be going weak at the knees?" I pat down some ointment. He grins at me.

"I did that earlier, remember?" 

I immediately blush and begin to light wrap his new ink. "Can I not see?" he pouts.

"It'll be a surprise later." 

Let me know what you think.

Next chapter shall be the start of all the drama *dramatic faint*


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