"So you're a farmer?" I asked.

He smiled lightly and revealed his dimples. "Something like that."

My heart warmed when he smiled. "That's the first time I see you smile." I told him. "It's really beautiful."

He looked over at me and the smile left his face. His expression was pained and he turned to look at the sky.

I did the same, taking in the bright sun and clear sky. "Today seems like a nice day." I said, trying to change the subject. I wonder why he looked hurt when I mentioned his smiled. Maybe it was a memory like earlier.

"It's weird actually." he said.


"Usually it's dark and cloudy. It's never like this."


"Yea. And it's weird that the weather improved the day after you got here."

"It must be a coincidence."

"Maybe." he said.

I looked down at my hands. Something about what he said gave me goosebumps. My eyes were wandering over my hands and wrists when I saw a big scar going vertically down my right wrist.

"What the fuck?" I said.

Matt turned around and saw what I was looking at. He quickly grabbed my arm and inspected my wrist. His warm fingers went over the raised skin, giving me even more goosebumps. I looked at his face to see his reaction.

He wasn't looking at me, he was still concentrated on my scar, but I could see him frown. His jaw clenched and he looked up at me with angry eyes.

"What happened?" he asked me.

"I don't know..." I whispered.

He abruptly let go of my arm and ran inside the house. I stayed shocked at how mad he got but rushed after him.

Next to the room I had slept in, there was a door. I assumed that was him room and that he was in there. I walked up to it and knocked on the door.

"Matt? Are you okay?" I asked.

Something hit the door and I jumped back. Something else hit the wall and was followed by something shattering to the floor.

"Matt!" I pounded at the door and tried to open it. The door wouldn't budge. "Matt please..."

The commotion stopped and silence filled the house. I tried opening the door again, and this time it creaked open.

I found him sitting on a bed that was similar to the one from the other room. The head board was pushed up to a wall towards the left of the room. There were things thrown all over the floor. What looked like a mirror had been destroyed and pieces of glass were scattered on the floor.

Matt had his head in his hands with his back towards me. His whole body looked tense.

I stepped over the mess and made my way towards him. I stood behind him and took a seat next to him. I hesitated but finally decided to put my hand on his shoulder. He seemed to relax.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"Don't be."

"I shouldn't have acted that way. I shouldn't have scared you like that."

"It's okay Matt. Really."

"I just...I need her." his voice cracked towards the end.


"In the other world I had a fiancé. I left her and I can't seem to function without her."

"I'm sure she misses you as much as you miss her."

"That's the thing," he said and his voice rose a little, "she doesn't even remember me."

I stayed quit. There was a small silence before I heard him sniff.

"Fuck." he said. I looked over at him and saw him wipe a tear away.

I don't know what got into me, but seeing him cry moved me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. He tensed back up at first but then he seemed to relax. Slowly, he hugged me back.

"It'll be okay." I mumbled. My head was buried in his chest as if he was comforting me. He had his chin place on top of my head. "It has to be."

"I miss you..." he whispered. It was so sweet to see how much he loved her.



I'd be really touched if I saw Matt cry. Imagine... I would try to comfort him as much as I could!

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