Chapter 4 The Monster She Created

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Edited Again-8/27/18

Fear. That was the only thing flowing through my veins as I watched my mother bite her bottom lip and hold up the syringe that contained the new virus she created up with her gloved hands. She flicked the top of the syringe before turning and heading towards me with malicious intent. I whimpered and struggled in vain to move away from the needle threatening to puncture my skin, but my efforts had been futile since my mother had taken precautionary measures and strapped me to the operation table.

All I could do was shiver with fear as she disinfected my right arm that was presented towards her. I tensed and waited for the puncture and nearly jumped out of my own skin as my mother opened her lips and spoke in an irritated tone, "Don't struggle so much. I don't want the experiment to fail because some idiotic thing couldn't keep still."

After that, she injected the needle into my skin, and I hissed as I felt the burning liquid flow into my veins.

The effect was immediate. The small burning that coursed through me filled me with an excruciating sensation. Then, the burning turned into an unbearable pain that felt as if my blood itself was made from lava. I cried and screamed as I writhed against my restraints, my body pulsating as if my heart had increased its volume. My vision was blinded by a bright white light that changed from the ceiling of the lab to complete blankness. My head pounded and my bones felt as if they were melting, along with everything else inside me.

The pain seemed to have felt as if it lasted for 10 hours, but in reality, it has only been 10 minutes. Finally, the burn eased but a new presence remained. A voice -maybe two?- in the back of my head hissed at me, a strange and foreign voice.

Worthless. You're worthless.

I opened my eyes as the voices repeated those words to me. Once I had managed to peel my eyes open, the excited gaze of my mother was the first to greet me. And although my hearing was a bit muddled from the pain I went through, I managed to catch the words "Success" and "Stabilizing" along with "Ms. Nanami's blood" and "Sakurai."

Right then and there I knew the voices in my head belonged to the woman named Nanami and Sakurai. But as to why they were in my head and how they got there was a mystery I didn't know....that was, until I saw the files that held the names Nanami Nagashi and Sakurai Nagashi on my mother's desk that was left visible to me from the operation table.

Dread and horror filled me as I opened my lips, my throat feeling like sandpaper as I managed to ask, "W-what did you do to me...?"

If she hadn't been happy with the success her experiment left her with, I don't think she would've ever told me.

"I simply injected you with the combined blood of two people who bore quirks. It was quite difficult to achieve, seeing as their quirks couldn't be transferred so simply. But then I wondered to myself 'what if you were able to transfer not just their quirks but their essence as well?' After all, quirks are a part of us as much as our arms or organs are. And so, I was able to transfer the essence of those two into you using their blood, skin tissue, and pieces of their organs. So far, everything seems stable." She stated, obviously proud of herself for accomplishing such a thing.

My eyes widened in horror as I asked with fear "In other killed them?" I didn't want to hear the answer to that. I didn't want to know that the voices in my head were there because parts of them, the things that made them human beings now dwelled in me.

My mother, oblivious to my horror, answered indifferently as she moved to write my progress down. "Their sacrifice was needed for the honor and name of science. To better humanity and bring us to a higher state of evolution. to bring us to our salvation. And besides, they were barely even alive when I took them." And with that, she proceeded to unstrap me from the table and placed me right back in my "room". The whole walk back, I couldn't shake the voices from my head. They continued to tell me how I was worthless and how I needed to die, how it wasn't fair they died so I could live. And the whole time I couldn't help but think, they were right.

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