“Of course we’re going to have fun munchkin, and yes I know Sara’s your best friend.” Sallie said.

As if on cue, Sara walked in with her mom, which briefly distracted Attie. Lia took that opportunity to talk to Sallie and give her Attie’s stuff. Lia then turned to Attie before she left for school.

“Hey baby, I have to leave, but I will see you later, okay?” Lia said

“I am not a baby” Attie said scrunching up her face. She ran up to Lia before adding “I’ll see you later. Can you bring me another toy today?”

Lia always called her a baby and Attie always reminded her that she wasn’t one. Lia often brought Attie toys from the kid’s meal at her job. “Sure, I’ll bring you something, which one do you want”

“Oh that’s easy silly, the turtle.”

Lia laughed and ruffled her dark black hair. She bent down to Attie’s level and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Okay, the turtle it is. Now be nice for Miss Sallie, okay? I have to go; I love you very very very much”

“I love you this big” Attie said as she spread her little arms on each side of her body to show her sister just how much she loved her. Lia smiled one last time at her little sister, and politely thanked Miss Sallie for everything before she left for school.


The school wasn’t so far away, only two blocks and it took Lia less than ten minutes to get there. As usual, Lia made her way through the crowd of people, toward the huge lonely tree in the courtyard. In many ways the tree was just like Lia. It stood tall and strong, just like she tried to do, except that it was alone, just like Lia felt more times than she'd like. There, Lia sat against the trunk and waited for the bell to ring to announce the beginning of her first class.

School as usual was uneventful, Lia did what she had to do and made sure she got a good grade, but avoided people at all cost. She didn’t trust anyone; she didn’t want people to find out about her and risk losing her little sister. So she became a face in the crowd, a shadow of some sort.

As soon as last bell rang, Lia was out the doors. She had to catch 2 buses to get to work and she couldn’t afford to miss one. Once she didn't leave fast enough, had to wait about 15 minutes for the other bus, so Lia was late for work. Since it was her very first time being late the manager let it slide, but he had specifically told her not to make a habit of it, not that she had planned to.

Lia worked Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. She couldn’t work more than that because she was still seventeen. Two years ago, when she first got the job, she couldn’t even be scheduled on week days because she was still in school. Lia had convinced the manager that she was okay and that this wouldn’t interfere with her school. The manager who happened to be on the young side, (he couldn't have been more than 19) didn't even put up a fight. He hadn't been manager for a long time, but Lia wasn't complaining. She needed the weekends off because she used that time to take Attie to the park and give the little girl a chance to grow up as normal as she could.

Lia made it to the bus stop with a few minutes to spare. She ripped a piece of paper from her notebook and placed it on the dirty bench before she sat. Lia kept her back straight just to make sure she wasn’t touching anything. She pulled out another notebook and started on her homework. This was what her days looked like, she went to school, did her homework in buses or anywhere convenient. She went to work and then went to get her little sister after work.

Lia heard the whistle that announced that the bus was close; she closed her notebook and found the bus pass that she would need to get in. She got up and waited.

Lia crossed the car filled road and walked into the little restaurant where she worked. She went to the bathroom and changed into her work clothes, and then proceeded to clock in. She placed her hat on and pulled it down so only part of her face could be seen. She put on the headset and advanced to the drive through window, where she would be taking people’s order for the next 6 hours.

At 9:30, Lia took her headset off, clocked out, bought a kids meal using her employee discount and made her way back to the bus stop that would take her home. She was tired but Lia had no choice, her stepfather never gave her anything, she had to get everything she needed herself. She also had to take care of Attie, because Attie’s dad didn’t seem to care about his daughter either.

She typically got home at about 10:20 when she worked, tonight was no different. Lia went to Miss Sallie where she picked up the already sleeping Attie, and made her way home. Lia tiptoed in silently and made her way to her room. She locked the door as soon as she was in, and placed Attie in the bed. She finished her school work, and then pulled out her journal that had become her best friend.

November 4th 2010

Today was uneventful and it seems as though for the first time in a long time I will have the chance to sleep peacefully. After last night, I think it’s a good idea to have a few things packed just in case we have to run quickly. We might not have enough time.

I don’t want to pass on the opportunity so, I am going to sleep. I will be back soon enough.

With that Lia closed her journal and got out of her work clothes, she pulled on some old sweat pants and a large shirt. She pulled her hair in a messy bun and climbed into the small bed next to Attie. She was so tired that it didn’t take her long to fall asleep.


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