Chapter 8

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Sarahs POV

I had awaken and realized i fell asleep on the floor. He thinks he can just hit me! I'm killing him in his sleep i will not be hurt i'm going home. 💤👱🔫🏠 I have a mission tonight this psycho will not see another day.

Troy's POV

i'm making dinner but she's not eating tonight. She will be sorry for what she did to me. (Later) i'm done eating time to get Sarah. She slowly came to my room i took off my belt and hit her in the face she screamed and tried to punch me but i blocked her and threw her against the wall i asked her did she think it was ok to look through my stuff. She quietly said no in sniffles i grabbed her by her hair and dragged her to her room she was screaming so loud i punched her one time in the stomach i can't stand loud noises. She was being obnoxious i slammed her door and locked it from the outside so she couldn't get out. Time for bed for me.

Sarahs POV

I wish he would just kill me instead of torturing me!i walked to the door and twisted the knob i notice he locked the door from the outside. Just like that my plan was ruined i wanted him dead and gone tomorrow I'm doing what i planned to do tonight 5 days in this f****** hole or "house" if thats what you wanna call it have been hell. I'm trapped in this room about to have a nervous break down I decided to go take a bath. After the water ran i stripped and got in and decided not to look at my reflection because i knew i looked like s*** i went under the water and stayed there for 5 minutes i might just end my own life i started to get out of breath and thought about my family and friends. I suddenly got out the water deciding not to drown myself i would see my family and friends again i knew i would. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day but i would see them again. I got out and put on bed clothes and prayed. I went into a deep sleep i still kinda didn't wanna wake up. 😔

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 22, 2013 ⏰

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