Chapter 1

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My name is Sarah Haywood and I'm 17 years old i have brown hair and green eyes just like my mom use to i'm mixed, i'm so mad right now my step mom is yelling at me for partying to hard last night but i'm not listening to her i have headphones in i miss my parents so much when i was 5 my father died in a car crash and my mom died a year ago due to breast cancer so i'm stuck with this devil i now have to consider my mother i will never call her mom because she's not she will forever be Anne. I'm going out again tonight with my friends Jack, and Carly. Jack and i have been friends for 12 years while Carly only 1 month we have a good connetion though and i can talk about anything when i'm with her. Right now i'm putting on makeup to go out jack and carly will be here in 10.SARAH COME DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW ! WHERE ARE YOU GOING ? I'm going out with Jack , and Carly ok stick with them though Anne said she acts like im 2 I know how to watch myself. BYE Anee carly and jack are here . As i got in the car Jack, Carly and i all said hi at the same time and started laughing. Jack was driving us to a night club you have to be 18 to get in but i have a fake I.D I got it one night when my friends and i couldn't get in this club. As we arrived and started to get out the car i realized i left my wallet in the car so i asked Jack, and Carly to go ahead inside while i get my wallet Carly offered to stay outside with me just because it's 9 o'clock at night but i told her i was fine and to stop acting like anne and treating me like a baby she giggled and went inside. I froze as i heard this sound like someone was approaching me but i looked behind and nothing was there so i guess i'm good. Then suddenly i felt tight hands around my waist my heart was beating so fast,and hard it felt like it was coming out of my chest. It was a man but i couldn't make out his face or facial features h e had the tightest grip on me. I was suddenly chuncked in the back of a black van that had rust on some parts of it. i couldn't see the license plate at all my hair was hanging over my eyes. This was all happening to fast and i'm so scared he drove really fast the van was filled with my tears and me yelling and screaming. Then suddenly the Van started spinning out of control i felt like i was gonna lose my life until he slammed hard on the brakes. A deep voice yelled SHUT UP! but i couldn't i slowy tried to stop crying before he hit me or anything why was he doing this to me ? He spoke quietly this time , and told me to call him Troy i had the feeling it wasn't his name but thats what he told me. We pulled up to a vacant spot to and old house it looked like no one had lived here in years the wood looked old and it was an old rustic swing set that was by the sidewalk on the driveway. How long was he planning on keeping me here?

The life i wish i hadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora