Chapter 2

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The house was very cold he lead me into a room. I remembered i have my wallet and my cell phone was in there. I picked it up then saw no signal crap i could try to call 911 it was worth a try then.... He walked in and saw the phone grabbed it out of my hand and slapped me hard in the face. I slowly went into a corner and started crying In the dark cold room i got up and walked around , and felt a bed and saw a closet and a kids dresser i finally found the light switch i turned the light on and got a better look around. On the left side of the room on the wall there is a mirror where i can see inside of his room this is so creepy i wonder can he see me. I kept looking he took of his clothes he was completely naked about to take a shower omg ewww he was so disgusting he has dark brown hair and blue eyes that were quite hypnotizing a nice body and really muscular. I have a lot of sneaking around and investigating to do he doesn't look like he would kidnap anyone he looked at least 30. Tears started falling down my face uncontrollably i had never missed the people i loved this much. I saw a restroom in the corner of this room thank god i didn't want to run into him his slap had my face stinging and left a red mark on me. I guess i'm gonna live life in this hell hole. I have no clothes to shower theres no tv in here and I'm really hungry. There is a queen sized bed in here with nice covers i walked over to it laid in it and thought of old memories and looked at my watch i saw it was 10:30 jack and Carly probably realized i was gone and started freaking out.

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