Chapter 1

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       Mason crept amongst the trees, his bow in hand, he may be a farmer but he quite enjoys the hunt. He left his horse on the main path leading to the village and had continued his hunt on foot. Luckily the sun was out, though it had been raining earlier and the residual chill still could be felt in the air. Mason didn't care about the slight chill, he took advantage of the good weather. He came upon a clearing, illuminated by the morning sun, he held back waiting in he trees. Mason notched an arrow and waited, he was hunting something specific and he was determined to get what he wanted.
      Jack Crawford and the entire village hated what he did, called it disgusting and inhuman among other things. They weren't human of course, well actually some were more human than others but they were still animals and to Mason that's all that matters. Jack had tried to ban him from hunting them, what a fool! There was no stopping him, and it wasn't like he was wasteful when he hunted! So it wasn't like he was doing something too terrible. No, nothing he did was as awful as his sister and Jack liked to claim.
       There were many types of beasts, bovine and equine -sapiens weren't very human, you could see it in their eyes, bodies and facial features. He typically avoided the predatory beasts, they were unpredictable and the wildest and most savage of them all. They disgusted him. His personal favourite were the ruminant sapiens. He had to admit they were the most human but they gave the best chase. They were deer like in nature and hard to find thanks to their migratory patterns. He would be lucky to find a herd, he'd be lucky to find anything at all. They were lithe and slender and oh so beautiful. They also tasted the second best, not the first because the bovine beasts were quite delicious and yielded more meat. 

So there Mason crouched, down wind, among the trees, arrow notched and eyes skillfully waiting for his the creature he sought.


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