"Do I have to go in there?" I slur. He nods and shuts the car off, getting out. He comes over to my side and helps me out, helping me to the front door. He knocks as waits until Jeremi pulls open the door. I give her a goofy grin.

"Hey beautiful I'm home!" I say before bending over and puking into the bushes.


I stare at Lucas in disgust as he pukes his brains out into the rose bushes outside our house. I glare at Arnold and snicker when I see his face pale and he lets go of Lucas.

"Well I got him home safety. Here's his keys, I'll be leaving now." He says quickly tossing me Lucas's car keys and jogging down the pathway. He briskly walks up the street and disappears out of sight. I turn my gaze back to my boyfriend, fury spilling into every part of my body.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING!? I scream grabbing him and tugging him into the house. He stumbles and looses his balance, falling flat on his face. He slowly gets up, rubbing his chin where it had hit the floor. He gives me a goofy drunken grin and starts whistling a tune. My eyes Bugging out when I catch the tune. "LSD ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID!" I scream. Suddenly Regan Screams from in her room, my voice having woken her up. I glare at Lucas. " I cant believe you!" I snap and rush to my daughters room. I walk in and see her standing up, wobbling on her legs as she cries her lungs out. When she sees me she reaches out. I walk over to her and pick her up, bouncing her trying to calm her down. "Shhh princess its ok, You're ok." I say. I hear something crash to the ground most likely shattering and hear Lucas swear loudly. my anger simmers. How could he do this? Regan calms down and falls back to sleep in my arms. I kiss her forehead and place her back in her crib. Closing my eyes I take a few deep breaths before marching out of the room and into the kitchen where Lucas was trying to make himself something to eat. I look over and see that he had knocked over a beer and the bottle had smashed, the drink laying in a puddle on the floor. I march over to him as he continues to make a sandwich, giggling to himself as he stares at the Mustard container. He looks at me.

"Did you know our mustard was a comedian?" He slurs, his voice giddy with his high. Thats IT! My hand lashes out and I slap him hard in the face. His balance failing him and he crashes to the ground. He glares up at me and jumps up, I glare right back at him.

"WHY YOU STUPID BITCH!" He Roars Lunging at me. I try to get away but he grips the front of my shirt and Brings me close to his face. His eyes wild and filled with fury. " YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH HITTING ME YOU STUPID DIRTY WHORE!" He screams in my face, his breath fowl and making me want to puke. I feel the first sliver of fear. I knew he had an out of control Temper. It only ever reared its head when he was drunk, like now. I grip his hands and try to pry them off my shirt. Memories of Lewis hurting me in the hallways pops into my head and I whimper in fear.

"Lucas let me go." I whisper but its no use. He Grips my shirt tighter and with drug infused strength he shakes me, my head snapping at the violence. "LUCAS STOP!" I scream kicking out and hitting him between the legs. He groans and instantly his hands loosen. He falls to his knees on the ground, falling on his side and grabbing himself. I make a dahs to Regan's room. I slam the door shut and lock it, praying he was too out of it to pick the lock. I knew he was a master at it. Going to Regan's closet I grab a large duffel bag and a smaller one for her. I quickly go about the room packing up things she would need. I pack a weeks worth of clothes and diapers, tossing in a few of her favorite toys. I zipper it and place it next to her crib. Sneaking to the door with the other bag I unlock it, peaking my head out of the room. I can still hear Lucas in the kitchen moaning from pain. Making sure I locked Regan's door and getting the special key for it I make a mad dash to my room and slip in, locking that door as well. I run around and grab my own clothes and a few things, like my tablet, laptop, phone and all the cords. I take a deep breath and go to the door, peaking my head out once more. This time I don't hear Lucas anywhere. Fear dumps into my system. Where was he? I look down the hall and don't see him. I grip my back tightly and dash out of the room.

Solar Flares (book 2 in the D.R.O.M.P Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now