Maybe It's Not

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America thought of the comments as nothing, well, not complete nothing, and put on his little hero personality. He thought that was how he always acted, but realized it's began to get harder and harder to stay that way. He doesn't want anyone to worry, would they anyways? Why would the hero ever be not ok?

"Hello everyone, as the hero, I have awesome plans today!" America shouted for everyone to hear with a wide smile.

     He heard a couple sighs and groans in the crowd and he felt something, he can't really explain it. It hurt, all those comments and it felt like he just broke. He sort of frowned a bit, but thought that words like that shouldn't hurt a hero.

"Well get on with it aru!" China shouted across the room. America got all his cards and started yelling all about some world problem. But England saw something a bit wrong. He didn't have the same aura as before. He almost seemed sad because of his half frown. England shrugged it off, maybe it's just his brotherly instincts.

America went on about world problems, he was pretty proud about what speech he came up with, but it didn't stay that way. After he was done, he set the cards down, and looked up with a big smile. All he saw were these disgusted, annoyed faces. He thought he worked really hard, but maybe it's just not good? (let's say this world meeting Included everyone)

     Germany started to discuss America's speech with him. Everyone else went on to their mumbling and own conversations. Meanwhile Germany told America that his ideas weren't that great, but in a nice way.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think these ideas are that great America..anyone could come up with this, we need something better." Germany slowly said. America's heart dropped. He worked so hard. All of that work. He realized he really isn't needed, no one likes him and wouldn't care if he left. He didn't understand how something so small just broke him that easily.

"But the hero made that, it has to be good!" America decided he was done after saying that. He couldn't take it. He wanted to just go and cry in a corner. He said he wasn't feeling well and left. Everyone was suspicious, does he ever feel not well? England saw something wrong, he didn't like the feeling he's getting. Yet he still gives it a chance, it could be anything. A few other nations close to America noticed a bit like Canada but thought it wasn't that big of a deal.

America left the building and immediately started crying. There's no use. He IS fat. He IS stupid. He IS useless. He got in the car and drove home feeling horrible.


     He arrived at his house. Alfred slowly went in with a very depressed look.

"Hey.. I'm back dude." He went back to his room and just slumped there. His eyes were red from crying, yet he still is. America's eyes made a little turn to his nightstand to see a sharp and shiny knife.

Why is that there? He got up still crying and grabbed the knife, it looked sharp, but he smiled a bit. He never thought about this, but he hears about it. He rolled back his sleeve and looked at his soft and pretty skin. Maybe I could just?

     America slid the blade quickly across the skin and winced at the pain. It stung deeply, but he did it more and more times until he realized that he should stop. It stung, but it made him feel better.

     He looked down and saw a few drops of blood and thank God he lived alone. He ran to the bathroom and decided to wash away the blood. Then he grabbed a towel and cleaned up his mess, his failures. Something may be wrong with him. He also hasn't eaten anything for a while, but he wanted to stay in bed, doing nothing. It felt so nice.

Then his phone rang. He sighed and got it out of his pocket.

"Right when I have peace.." He looked on the phone and saw "Iggy".

Author: yay! It's starting to get depressing now and as I said, this may get a little long. I have a lot of plans for this. I also posted this when my chapter one had only like 10 reads. But I couldn't wait and wanted to get to the point. But now I'd really like to see at least maybe 30 reads? Part 3 may be a posted later like in 3-7 days instead of right after the last one so I'll stop talking and please review?

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