"Rose what's wrong?" He asked as he stood up, I grabbed his arm and started running into the jungle.

"What are you doing Rose!?"

"We have to get off this island Henry, Peters evil." I said as I continued running but then Henry pulled his arm away making me stop and look at him confused.

"I can't leave I have to save magic first and then Pan will let me leave." Henry said with a smile.

"What?" I asked

"Pan told me that Neverland and magic is dieing, only the heart of the truest believer can save it. Tomorrow he's taking me skull rock where I will save magic and everyone" Henry said in a proud voice.

I shook my head at him

"You can't trust Pan he's dangerous. Please Henry don't you want to see you family, don't you want to go home." I said

"But there won't be a home for us to go back to if I don't save magic, don't you see that I'm trying to save you all. Pan wouldn't lie he's a good person.....Rose, we can trust him."

I shook my head and looked at him in disbelief, Peter's gotten into his head and filled it with lies.

"Your absolutely right Henry." Peters voice rang through my ears making me shiver.

I quickly turned around to see him leaning on a tree with his arms crossed as he stared into my eyes with no emotion on his face.

"Stay away from us you demon!" I snapped as I backed away till I was standing in front of Henry in a protective way.

Peter sighed and started walking towards us.

"My poor sweet Rose, you see Henry how darkness has taken over her. It's because neverland is dieing, the island of dreams and good magic. Dark magic has taken over your family and now my beloved lost girl." Peter said as he waved his hand and a bunch of vines wrapped around my body, pulling me against a tree and away from Henry.

"What are you doing?" Henry asked with a look of concern.

"Dark magic is in her, it will make her do anything to try and stop us from saving the good magic. But you can save her and your family Henry" Peter said without taking his eyes off me.

"Don't listen to him Henry, please you can't trust him, h-he's a killer." I said with tears in my eyes as I remembered my parents.

Peter walked up to me and stroked my cheek lovingly, a look of slight sadness in his eyes.

"Go back to camp Henry and rest, you'll need all your strength for tomorrow night."

"But Pan...."

"Just go Henry, I need some alone time with my girl."

Henry ran off back towards the camp leaving me with Peter

"Oh my darling, what am I going to do with you." Peter said as he shook his head at me.

"Let me go."

"You know I can't do that Rose, I love you too much." Peter said

I glared at him

"You can't love because you don't have a heart." I snapped.

There was a long silence between us until Peter leaned his face closer to mine.

"Then I guess I'll have to show you how much I love you......physically."

By magic I'm back in the tree house, I didn't have time to say anything before Peters lips crashed onto mine and his hands rubbing my back. I tried pushing him away but he was to strong and he tackled me down on the bed and quickly tied my hand over my head on to the bed post. Peter got off me and started taking off his clothes.

"No! Please Peter don't do this!" I cried as I continue to try and free myself from the ropes that are tied to the bed post.

"I can't hold it anymore Rose, I love you so much and I want to show you that love." He said as he continued to take off his clothes.

Soon he was completely naked and he got back on top of me, grabbed at my clothes and ripped them off as I cried for him to stop.

"I want to have a baby with you." He said.

He then showed me with kisses as he laid on top of me.

"Please no I'm not ready, please Peter don't." I cried as I tried to kick him off but he just ignored me and continued kissing me all over.

He slowly started to remove my underwear until the door flew open with a loud bang that made Peter stop right away.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Marks voice roared through the room and I felt as if my heart skidded a beat.

Peter Pans Kidnapped Love (Book #1 Completed) Where stories live. Discover now