"Bianca." Mrs. Hire warns.

Mr. Hire snaps his fingers loudly, calling in a few young people wearing waitress uniforms and carrying dishes. They set them on the table—a large plate of some type of pasta and a glass of water—before scurrying back where they came from. "I think it's a wonderful inquiry." Mr. Hire says, much to Bianca's amusement. "Are you two participating in sexual intercourse?"

"Yes." I blurt before Brady can try to make light of the situation. "We are. But safely—he used a condom and I'm on the pill."

Mr. Hire nods, and Mrs. Hire forces on a smile: "Good." She says. "I just wish that talk would stay away from the table." She mumbles, plucking a lone noodle and placing it in her small mouth.

"I'm sorry," I say, cheeks flaming.

Mr. Hire waves me off. "No need to apologize. It's a parents job to make sure that their son or daughter is having safe sex." He then turns to Mrs. Hire. "Just because it isn't pretty like you, Giselle, doesn't mean it can't be said."

Mrs. Hire rolls her eyes, but you can see her lips fighting back a smile.

"I agree, daddy." Bianca chirps, following her mother and daintily beginning to eat her pasta. "We should just put everything out on the table." She then eyes Brady maliciously before facing me. "Have you guys done oral?"

I've known Bianca Hire just as long as I've known Brady, and much to Brady's disappointment I've never really liked her. She's gorgeous, with a lean and slim body from all of the sports she's done, and has made it extra clear just how she intends to use it—plainly for sex. She doesn't happen to go to our public school, instead insisting on going to the nearby private so that she's far away from people like us—upper middle class types. Bianca has never done anything outright mean to me but I just can't stand the aura she carries—as if she's better than anyone and everyone.

Brady nearly chokes on his food. "Bianca what the hel—heck?! What the heck?!"

"It's a genuine question!" She exclaims defensively. "Oral sex is the number one way to get an STD, right daddy?"

"She's correct." Mr. Hire swallows a large chug of water.

"That's not appropriate." Brady rebuttals. "And frankly, none of anyone's business."

"Braden." Mrs. Hire scoffs, referring to Brady by his full name.

Brady's face slackens in shame. "I'm sorry, but it's true. Bianca's just trying to make Leah feel uncomfortable."

"Bianca, watch your mouth." Mrs. Hire scolds her. "Now, on to more appropriate and legitimate questions, how are your grades Leah?"

I swallow a large forkful of pasta before washing it down with half a glass of water. "They're good, getting better." I tell them honestly. "I don't plan on going to college anywhere out of state so they're not too great but they're pretty alright."

"I appreciate your honesty." Mr. Hire compliments me, smiling warmly. "Any idea what you'd like to major in?"

"I was thinking something involving music." I reply, not missing Brady's proud smile. "Perhaps maybe even joining an orchestra or a choir."

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