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having a nice dream is pleasuring; nor a nightmare is pleasuring, too. jimin slept deeply on his bed under the warm layers of comfort. the night was cold. he sleeps on the right side of the bed since he knows that he would wake up better in the morning. he dreams of mirrors and mazes tonight.

he lived in a room he rented in a house in mokpo. the city wasn't as big as seoul nor as loud as busan. it was just right. his room was located by the kitchen of the house; the room was too big and expensive. he had his bed, a fan, a drawer, and a mirror. he never looked at his good looks at the mirror. because he was scared.

jimin tossed and turned in his sleep, there was a loud sound echoing around the room. jimin kept his eyes closed, ignoring the sound. taking it as it was coming from his dreams. the tense of the room was cold too cold and he couldn't feel himself anymore. he felt himself getting up and walking slowly to the mirror against the wall. the window was wide open and in came the wind breezing against his bare neck.

his eyes quickly opened when he noticed that he was sleepwalking again. he looked around the room. the bed sheets dripped in blood. his own blood. his breath caught in his throat. he couldn't move, but stared back at his reflection in the mirror.

a kitchen knife was in his hand tightly in his grip. his hand turned white. he gazed at the mirror at himself. he had stabbed himself in the stomach. warm blood came out of the wound.

he let out a cry as he touch the slash with his fingers. he felt the slit brushing against his fingers. blood coax his fingers in red and his clothes. he starting to cry, but his reflection didn't.

his reflection just smiled back at him.

jimin didn't know what to do as the bloody knife dropped to the floor. jimin watched as his reflection wiggled his fingers at him and kept grinning. he cringed as his stomach drop.

"don't be afraid and let me go."

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