Meeting people he shouldn't....

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Ticci Toby's p.o.v.

I sighed as my neck decided to crack and make me twitch to my left. Silence engulfed the room afterwards, none of us daring to make a single sound. Ever since Jeff had died, everyone had began to act depressed and refused to talk as much, barely at all even. I think Slender and LJ didn't bother to comfort us for two reasons. One, they didn't feel any regret for killing Jeff. They didn't apologise, say they missed him, nothing. The only time either of them spoke about him was once, when we had a meeting to tell us that we needed to kill more people since Jeff was now gone and so that we wouldn't fall behind. The second reason was that they were enjoying us being traumatised. We were silent for once and they loved it. No loud screaming of curse words echoing through the hallways, no pesky bloodstains from fights splattered on the walls that would take hours for Slender would have to clean up, no more having to scold us for using bad language around Sally. They had killed someone to get what they wanted. They were sick of us disobeying and looking down on them even though they were older. So they made us fear them. Showed and proved to us that they wouldn't hesitate to kill us with the snap of their fingers. And they fucking loved it. Sick bastards. They fucking loved watching us squirm and writhe under their gazes, trying not to anger them so that we wouldn't end up like Jeff.

I hated it. Everyone thought that I was always the far too cheery, happy, careless one in the mansion. And to a certain extent, I am. But, I am scared. I don't want to be happy. I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to beg on my hands and knees for someone to erase my memory.But, I can't. Because even if I did manage to finds someone to do it, then everyone would want it. And if everyone did it, Slender would have to kill another creepypasta to keep the lesson in memory. And I don't want anymore of my friends to die. Jeff was traumatising enough. God knows what he'd do to the next person. I can feel a shiver ripple down my spine and across my body as I think. I need to stop thinking. I need to stop. I open my eyelids and scan around the room. I was in the living room, with everyone else. The bloodstains were still staining the walls, creating permanent markings of insanity. Of anger. Frustration. Fear. I shiver again and look down, checking I was wearing my hoodie and hoping I was just shivering at the low temperature, not in fear. But of course, I was wrong. My usual pale brown hoodie was thrown over my torso with my usual black turtleneck underneath it. I was sat on the couch, staring at the large television BEN would usually play his games on. But today it was turned off, leaving a black, reflective screen for us to stare at our reflections. I knew what BEN was doing. He was crying in his room. Mourning his best friend, like we all were. I think Liu visiting the other day triggered him. I didn't hear much, but what I did hear was "IT'S ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!" and "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" which is probably what triggered his memories. I don't know who he was yelling at or why, but I don't want to find out.

"Ticci Toby. Come to my office please." My eyes widen in worry and all the creeps in the room turn towards me and gives me a sympathetic look as I stand up and leave the room. The soles of my sneakers make light taps as they hit the wooden floorboards while I slowly walk down the hallway. The walls are for once clean, with no blood splatters on them. It was disturbing for the hallway to have no scent. It normally had a smell of strong bleach or the strong metallic smell of blood, but now I couldn't smell anything. And it just slightly, terrified me. Once again, just another reminder Jeff was gone. After all, he was usually the one who started the fights, he was the one creating the stains and cracks in the hallways. He wouldn't care if it was his blood on the wall, or his opponents. But now he was gone, all that was left was plain, stainless cream walls. I finally came across Slender's study and knocking timidly against the thick wood, waiting for a sign I was allowed to enter. The sign was I took to be allowed inside was the small 'Come in' I heard from other side. I slipped inside of the room and sat in front of Slender, who didn't say anything except throw a vanilla folder in front of me onto the desk with one of his tendrils. I carefully grabbed it and opened it, to see a girl with long thin dirty blonde hair that reached her waist, a thin body structure, a heart shaped face that many boys would find attractive and powder blue eyes. I scanned the information; it was the usual, age, date of birth, reason why she needed to die and her address. We didn't care about their names, family or anything like that. They just needed a reason to die and that's it. Or at least, that was Slender's logic.

A Discarded Memory (M!Creepypasta x M!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora