I miss you...

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L.J.'s p.o.v.

After Hoodie and Masky had left my room I sighed and sat down on my bed. I rubbed my forehead, trying to ease the headache Slender and his brothers had given me mere minutes before the two proxies had knocked on my door. It still hurt to think about him. I felt sudden anger come over me and I threw the pictures in my hand to my right side, onto my pillow. I then rested my head in my left palm shutting my eyes tightly in guilt. Silence filled my now empty room, something that I was used to long before now. I used to wind up the music boxes that (m/n) had given me to try and fill the silence, to try and make myself feel like we were still in his room filling our mouths with (fav.candy)and jelly beans without a care in the world, not caring if Slender would be angry with us for eating so much before dinner. But I stopped doing that a few days after his disappearance since it would make me cry every time I would hear one of the many songs he would play as we would crack jokes to each other, laughing even if it was really bad and we would mentally face palm just to not make the other feel bad.

I removed my palm from my forehead and looked from the side of my vision at the bookshelf that was filled with some that he had made for me for my birthday or just when he made one that he thought would suit me. I stood up and walked over to it slowly picking up one that was made of cherry wood, (m/n)'s favourite type of wood to use. How did I know that? He told me himself when I walked in on him creating the exact same box I was holding in my claw like fingers right now. I walked back to my bed and lowered myself onto the barely made sheets and slight sinking mattress. I stared down at the box, my fingers tracing the carving of a big top on the lid. I turned it upside down and started reading the message he had carved into the bottom for me. It said 'LJ! Happy first birthday at the mansion! We welcome you with open arms to the world of a creepypasta! ~(m/n)' I smile at the message before I start to wind it up by the crank. It played the tune of London bridge was burning down, which was one of his favourite songs that he would randomly sing at times.

I gently placed the box on my left side before turning to the right. Some of the pictures were now turned up but I didn't care. When I had turned my eyes immediately caught the only picture that had landed on my pillow. I picked it up and stared at it. The picture showed me and (m/n) at my carnival. I recognised that we were at the top of the ferris wheel and it was me who had taken it since my left hand went out of the right corner of the picture. (m/n) was on the left with and had his left arm stretched around my shoulder yet not behind my neck since he was shorter than me (Like most people) and couldn't reach my neck, like I could his. His right hand was wrapped around the long stick of a large black and white striped lollipop that was slightly sticking out his mouth and stuck in position by his teeth which were slightly showing from his grin. I was on the right with my arm wrapped around his left shoulder, my hand lazily hanging off the right. I was wearing a toothy grin and had a lollipop exactly like (m/n)'s in between my sharp teeth. In the background was the carnivals lights on creating a beautiful background that mixed perfectly with the dark night sky. I smiled at the picture as I felt tears bubble up in my eyes and stream down my face. I quickly put the picture on top of the music box by my left hand side so it wouldn't get ruined as I allowed tears to roll over my cheeks for my missing friend. The mixture of seeing such a happy time with him and listening to one of his favourite songs just...was too much. I gave up holding back and sobbed my heart out for my friend, mourning his dissapearence.

Splendor teleported to my room, most likely to ask me to do something only to see me crying. He moved the pictures onto my bedside table before bringing my body into a gentle hug to try and comfort me but I could hear him crying himself. We just sat there for hours crying before we finally stopped and just sat there. The music had stopped a long time ago so after the sounds of sobbing departed we were just left in silence. I sniffed and pulled myself away from Splendors hug turning to the box and picture that had made me start crying in the first place. I gently slid the picture off the music box before picking it up and placing it back onto the bookshelf that I had placed it on when I first got it. I turned around to face Splendor to see he was staring at the picture before he looked up at me and placed it upside down on top of the pile he had made of the other pictures on my bedside table. He then gave me a sad smile before teleporting away.

He knew what all the older creeps knew. I missed him. He missed (m/n) as much as me. All the older creeps who knew him missed him as well. We never went into his room. We never moved anything around in there either. Although I feel guilty, I'm also kind of happy and glad that I've forgotten where his room is. (m/n) being the sneaky proxy he is decided to hide his room by putting a sliding wall over his door that he could lock from the inside and out. After he disappeared we had immediately teleported into his room and tried to open the wall, only to find it was locked so I know that no 'newer' creepypastas who live here will find it by accident.

Please (m/n) if you are still alive please come back. We miss you...I miss you...

~In another Dimension~

Please (m/n) if you are still alive please come back. We miss you...I miss you..

The (Blonde,Brunette,Redhead,ect.) paused what his was doing listening to this thought, resulting in him holding a fork with spaghetti hanging off it in mid air. The leader of the table turned and looked at the ex-proxy with a confused look plastered on his face, his many mouths turned into a frown of displeasure. "What's wrong (m/n)?" The said boy turned to his master with a face of concentration before asking "Lord Zalgo you said I had no one in my past life correct?" Zalgo nodded. It was true that (m/n)'s family were so distant that they couldn't count as family and he wouldn't tell him about Slenders household so in a way, he didn't have anyone. "Well I just got a telepathic message that someone was asking if I was alive and that they miss me. They also said they wanted me back..." He explained. The other creepypastas on the table pretended to ignore the conversation but on the inside they were freaking out. Zalgo on the other hand glared at the boy fiercely before snapping at him "Ignore it and carry on eating!" (m/n) nodded and replied "Yes master." knowing that calling him master would calm him down but secretly sent a message back.

I can't.

~At the Slender mansion~

I can't.

LJ gasped out loud at the table when he heard those words echo in his head. The others around him looked at him confused and Slender asked "Are you okay LJ?" LJ nodded in reply and turned to the brothers. He then asked "Can I speak to you all in another room?" The brothers nodded and teleported to Slenders office. When they were all there LJ spoke with a serious face and a dull yet slightly confused and shocked voice "earlier before I came down to dinner I thought to myself that I wanted (m/n) to come back since we miss him. And I just got a message back saying to me I can't in (m/n)'s voice." This made Trender, Ender and Splendor gasp. Smexy knew what his brothers were going to say and spoke for them. "So your saying you think..." LJ nodded firmly.

"That's right. I think (m/n)'s alive."


Ooh! Shocker! Anyway, I just got this idea so...yeah. I hope that you liked LJ's past with...well yourself. And I'm sorry that I couldn't use on of the Ender brothers p.o.v.'s but I couldn't think of a plot line for any of them. Also this was just typed from making up the title so...sorry if it's bad....

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