Chapter 3 - more like a tikiracle

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That's Marinette's dress that she made. And tikiracle is pronounced (tee-kee-ruh-cle). Hope you guys are enjoying this!!

I woke up that morning with a spring in my step, because the ball was tonight.

"Mari... my food please.." Chloe grumbled into the receiver.

"Right away ma'am!! I chirped, running to get her food to her.

I danced lightly on my toes into her room, and placed her food on the side of her bed, and twirled out of her room.

"Mari. My things. NOW!" Volpina yelled, and I didn't even move the receiver.

"Of course my wonderful sis!!" I said, letting my words dance and my tounge click.

I fancily danced into her room, and placed her towels by her bath.

"There you go ma'am!!" I said, as I blew a kiss and left.

"Whatever." Volpina grumbled.

I ran to clean, and cook, and wash, and clean some more before Alya would come up to my room and do my makeup. I sang and danced all day, and I couldn't have been happier. Even Mr. Bourgeois was happy for me!!

Once my chores were done, I ran to my room and slipped into my dress. It was lovely!!! Alya tapped on my door, and I let her in.

"Oh. Em. G." Alya gasped, looking at me as I spun around.

"I didn't even think you could make pink and blue fabric work like that!!" Alya said, as she clapped and jumped.

"But YOU!! Your mom's lovely purple and white dress suits you AMAZINGLY!!" I said, and we jumped up and down together.

I sat down and we gossiped about the hot butlers and giggled as she did my hair and makeup. When it was done it was her turn, and then she waved goodbye and slipped out of my room.

I glided down the stairs and waited for my family. Chloe came in first, her gold and white dress bouncing around her. She looked lovely in it. She gave me an ugly look and put her hand on her hip as volpina came around her.

Volpina looked lovely too. Her copper and white dressed bounced around her, and she put her hand on her hip and glared at me.

"Hey sis.. You look... Fantastic. Is that my *gasp* NECKLACE??" Chloe said, with an over dramatic gasp.

She walked up to me, and ripped off the necklace, and the beads fell everywhere and scattered across the floor. I gasped, and Volpina jumped in and tore up my dress. I started to cry, defenseless to the duo. When they finished, my dressed was trashed. It was tore, ripped, and slashed. Tears poured out of my eyes, and I ran to the garden.

"WHY WAS I SO STUPID TO BELIEVE A PERSON LIKE ME GOT CHANCES!!!" I yelled, scaring the animals around me.

I cried in silence, no animals, no person, no one cared. It felt my world crashing around me. A puff of clouds formed in front of my face, and a red bird like thing hovered in front of me.

"Wha-what are you?" I said, stumbling off the bench I was on and into a shrub.

Its laughed at me and said," My name is tikki!! I am your kwami god mother!!"

"There are NO miracles. You must be apart of my imagination. I don't get miracles. People like me don't get miracles." I grumbled, sniffling and wiping stained tears.

"Fine. Put these on, and maybe you'll believe in miracles." Tikki puffed.

I cautiously took them, and looked at them. They were just earnings with laydbug print on them. I put them on, and that's when the magic started.

Say lucky charm!!

I listened to Tikki, and I said it with an air fist bump. Red particles flew everywhere, gathering things. It made a horse and cariage, and everything I need to get me to the ball. Then, they came towards me. I ran, but they were fast, and they easily caught me. The light was beautiful, and I couldn't feel a thing. Next thing I know, I see a dress, a beautiful black and red one, and my hair is done, and so I my makeup.

I gasped, and almost cried.

"Tikki i-"

You have no time to waste!! You must go!! Remember one thing: your powers end at twelve. Your earrings will beat once its 5 till, and beeps at 1 minuet increments. Be smart, have fun!! And believe!!

I hugged myself and said thanks to tikki, and hopped into the carriage. I looked around , not believing at all. Is this a miracle? What was this? I laughed at my stupid thoughts, and straightened my dress.

"Onward to the ball." I said, and the carriage started up. Prince Adrien, here. I. Come.


Thank you guys for everything you do, and make sure to say what you think!! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I will answer!!

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