Chapter 7

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February 26th, 2016

I looked at my chest scar in the mirror, completely disgusted by the memory. The fact that I did this to Scott made me sick. I caused so many broken hearts. Not only among friends and family, but fans too. All of our fans are devastated and I'm responsible for their happiness being destroyed. 

I let out a deep sigh and put on my yellow DHL shirt. I walked out of the bathroom and back into my room to find it empty. Kirstie is usually asleep on the couch next to my bed, but she wasn't there. For a second, I panicked. The first thing that came to my mind was, "maybe she got in an accident". That's the first thing that always comes to my mind when someone is late or is supposed to be at a certain place, but isn't. 

I took out my phone to text Kirstie, just to make sure she was okay.

M: Where are u?

It only took her a few seconds to respond.

K: I'm at Avi and Kevin's place. Sorry I didn't tell you! You were still asleep and I didn't want to wake you.

M: It's okay, thanks for letting me know ur okay

K: you should come over too! We're trying to figure out these parts again.

I didn't respond right away. I really didn't want to go at all, but I'd rather be with friends than be alone on this awful day. 

M: okay yeah, be there soon

I locked my phone and shuffled around my room, trying to find some clean pants to put on. After the accident, I had no motivation to do anything. I literally let my apartment go to shit. I haven't done my laundry in who knows how long. I just tend to only wear pants when necessary so I still have some clean clothes left. 

When I finally found a pair, I put them on slowly, trying to drag out the time. I didn't want to rehearse anymore. There's no use. We will never sound the same as we did when Scott was here and that's just the harsh reality of it all.

I got fully dressed and grabbed my bag and a water bottle. I called for an uber and waited for him at the door of my apartment building. I don't drive anymore. I'm too scared. Kirstie is always the one to drive if we have to go anywhere together and if I'm by myself, I call an uber. 

When the driver arrived, I swiftly got into the backseat and told him the address of Avi and Kevin's place. They lived about 20 minutes away from Kirstie and I. When Scott and I were picking out apartments, for some reason, we wanted one right smack dab in the center of LA. I like it because there's a starbucks literally 2 feet down the street, but other than that, it's noisy and busy. It's just not the best place to have an apartment.

I sat quietly in the backseat, not wanting to make conversation. I wanted silence so I could think of my boyfriend. 


July 24th, 2013

"Mitchie, put this on," Scott said as he handed me a black bandana. I took it from him and smirked.

"Like on my head or around my neck or?" I replied to him sarcastically. Scott rolled his eyes playfully at me. 

"No, over your eyes, stupid," He muttered, taking the blindfold back, turning me around and putting it over my eyes. I wanted to say something kinky, but I knew he would just get frustrated so I kept it to myself. 

"Scott, you know I don't like surprises," I sighed out. It was my 21st birthday, so I already knew Scott had something planned. He loves to go all out for anyone's birthday. He finished tying the bandana, making sure it was secure before he reached down to pinch both of my sides. I gasped and jerked away from him, "Scott, are you kidding me?"

"Sorry, you were blindfolded, I couldn't resist," He said cheekily. He grabbed my hand so he could lead me. I was completely clueless as to what we were even doing. 

"Where are we going?" I asked Scott impatiently. He giggled at my comment before coming to a halt. I just stood there, waiting for him to talk or take off the blindfold. It made me anxious not knowing what was going on. Suddenly, I felt Scott's lips connect with mine. They were soft, as always. He ran his fingers through my hair, smiling through the kiss. Then, he swiftly took off my blindfold and I was face to face with him. The lights in the room were off, so it was just Scott's facial features. 

Before I knew it, the lights were turned on and the room was full of people.


I looked at Scott, then back at everyone around the room. I was actually shocked that we could fit this many people in our living room. 

I knew mostly everyone who was standing before me. Kirstie, Avi, Kevin, Esther, and Ben were standing in the front. My parents and older sister were next to them. I didn't even expect them to be here since Texas is such a long way from LA. Then, I even saw a few of my high school friends, along with friends I've met since we moved out to California.

"You did this for me?" I looked back up to Scott. He had a goofy smile on his face, knowing that I liked the surprised. He embraced me in his arms and kissed the top of my head.

"Of course I did, baby. It's your 21st birthday. We have to celebrate," he said, cupping his hands around my head, forcing me to look at him again. I pursed my lips, wanting him to kiss me one more time. He did. 

"Thank you," I said, starting to tear up, "you are the best boyfriend ever!"

"I know, I know."


February 26th, 2016

Before I knew it, I was at Avi and Kevin's apartment. I paid the driver and quickly got out of the car, rushing through the door and to the elevator.

When I got to their room, I was about to knock on the door, but I could hear a bit of their conversation, so I stopped to listen.  It was a little muffled, though.

"I just hate this for him," I heard Avi say in his low voice. 

"I know, he honestly doesn't want anything to do with Pentatonix anymore now that Scott's gone," Kevin replied. That's not entirely true. It's not that I don't WANT to do it anymore, it's just that I don't think we can. The songs will never sound the same without a Baritone, and even if he replace him, It won't feel the same. 

"Do you think we should just quit? Do you think Mitch has a point?" Avi asked. There was a moment a silence, as if Kirstie and Kevin were thinking about it. 

"No, I don't think so. Scott would hate us if we did that. I just think Mitch needs time. It's only been 4 months," Kirstie retaliated. I half-smiled at her answer. I love knowing that she doesn't want to give up on us. It gave me the motivation to not give up either.

I knocked on the door quietly, telling myself not to tell them that I was eavesdropping.

"Oh, hey, Mitch, glad you could make it!" Kevin said as the door opened. I smiled again and walked through. I sat down my things on their dining room table and walked over to the couch with the rest of the group. 

I let out a sigh, but then smirked.

"Well, let's try this again, shall we?"

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