His lips press against mine, harder. Light electric flow starts flowing through my body, shivers running down my spine. Martin is gentle, but passionate, his hands roaming through my body, my hair, my shoulders and my neck. His lips slowly move onto my neck. His kisses are like fire - everywhere he kisses, an invisible blister appears. Sometimes, pain brings pleasure.

Wrapping my hands around his neck, I put one into his silky hair. My eyes are closed, but I can see everything around me happening, but in another reality. Like I was shoved into a cinema, watching this scene of the movie. However not only I can see everything, I can feel everything.

Martin's lips have extended into a large grin, when I pull away. I can feel my cheeks starting to burn, however I don't hide it. Martin grins at me with his childish and playful smile, making me smile back at him. His smile really is contagious, just like sneezes or yawns.

"Shall we go now?" I ask, looking at Martin.

"Yeah," he replies and both of us get up at the same time. We head out to the exit and I grab my bag.

"I bet this is gonna be awesome," I say loudly, my voice being the only thing that could be hear in the silent hotel corridors.

"I'm so excited!" Martin exclaims, pure excitement filling his voice. We get into the elevator and I press the button, while Martin takes out his phone and starts texting somebody. The elevator ride is silent. When we exit into the lobby, there are security guards waiting for us, as well as Watse and Aubrey and some others.

We greet each other and head straight to the exit, where there is a black minivan waiting for everyone to get in. The ride is fun - everyone is in a good mood, joking around and being very chill. I laugh together with Martin, while Watse keeps on cracking random and sometimes a bit lame jokes. Martin's hand is placed protectively on my waist and I love that. Although I don't like showing off my feelings, about somebody, at least this makes us look boyfriend and girlfriend.

The ride takes about five minutes and then, we are walking outside, through the many walls and security walls, closer to the magnificent stage. Even from the back, it looks amazing. I stare at it in awe, my lower jaw nearly hanging low.

There are crosses and multiplication signs hung on the metal bars of the stage (+x). Bright lights are lighting the whole place up and there is a loud song playing. My heart starts thumping faster and faster, when adrenaline pumps through my body.

"That's amazing!" I tell Martin, when he goes up to the small staircase, leading in the stage.

"Wanna come?" Martin asks, a large grin appearing slowly on his face.

"Really?" Staring at the stage from here is good enough, but I can't even imagine how awesome it would be to stay on the stage. There are probably so many people there, enjoying themselves.

"Thank you guys!" The DJ on the stage shouts and I see him running towards us.

"Hey, bro," he shouts at Martin happily, his face sweaty. "The crowds is on fire today."

"Thanks," Martin replies, giving him a small smile. The DJ leaves, leaving Martin and I alone. A few moments later, Watse joins us. Martin tells him something in Dutch and I can hear my name getting mentioned. I stare at them in confusion, trying to figure out whatever they are saying. 

Waste leaves, leaving both of us in silence. The crowd is raging, everyone screaming and yelling - wanting Martin to come on the stage. I look at the stage, all of the lights being turned off. Everything gradually becomes dark, only the bright moon illuminating in the starry sky. 

When Watse comes back, he has a large DSLR in his hands, holding it carefully not to break. He hands it to me, smiling. I take it, staring at both of them - Martin and Watse - in confusion. 

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