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I didn't understand the attraction between people,

Like a claustrophobic mother escaping the grasp of the walls,

Tugging her toddler behind her,

Unable to realize the walls were stationary,

I didn't understand,

Much like the feeling of rapture held close upon breast to breast,

Much like the connection from the computer to the USB,

I didn't feel the electric shock of his burning kiss,

Or the fact that my heart beat fast,

My feelings were calm,

Were quiet,

They didn't move, undisturbed,

As if my feelings much like a ghost without feet,

Couldn't stir up the dust that lay in layers of an empty room,

I could feel a burning passion to feel someone's touch,

My heart wouldn't beat,

My heart wouldn't skip,

No matter the intellect I collected from pages of feeling,

No novel, no book,

Gave me the slightest push to see,

I am blind to the hope, to the fear of love,

I can't feel it,

As if like a character,

As if a thought slippery to grasp sifted out of my numb fingers,

Much like the water I drank that wouldn't hold,

No matter how tightly I sealed my hands,

I lusted over love,

Much like an artist over his work,

The scrambling sense that I could find that perfect stroke,

That perfect image,

To make it all made sense,

I didn't understand,

I tried once,

I tried twice,

And I tried over

And over,

And over,

Even as my thirst for love grew and my heart broke,

I couldn't find the love I read,

Nor the love I could see,

I was blind to love and reached blindly for it,

Much like a person too short to see over the shelf to pick up the all-purpose or the bread flower,

I didn't understand.

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