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Feelings are a wave,

The ocean,

With Icebergs,

And snowy ice caps,

Every so often, or maybe so soon,

The ice caps melt, freeze in the fall,

They create a tsunami, to overwrite the land,

Your brain,

And when you are soaked, ever drying slowly,

You feel the comfort of that foreign effect,

Sometimes it leaves nothing but the obliteration of the plans you had built on stilts,

Ready for the oncoming wave, but underestimating its true power and height,

Maybe it left silt behind,

Allowing everything to bloom, to regrow in a quick re-birth,

The heart lies in the center, pulsing its awesome power, controlling everything it wishes,

Everything always in motion, shifting, changing and in all of this, you hope you are ready for the things that are to come.

Hello Earth.

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