Chapter 21: Callie

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*Please be warned this chapter contains a lot of mature content. Please skip ahead to chapter 23 to avoid it! Hope you like it if you stay to read :D*

And with those words it felt like a lifetime of bottled up emotion came pouring out of them. Callie felt his words ooze into all the cracks of her heart and start to weld them shut. In this car, just the two of them against the world felt whole. It was a perfect moment, something they had been denied, for so long.

Callie leaned into Brandon, parting her lips slightly. His lips were as soft as they had been all those years ago. He was older but his youthful passion remained. He kissed her with a wild passion, as if he was afraid she would disappear. They were both older now and more experienced but this kiss felt like they were 17 again, with no experience to guide them, only love.

She felt his hands rise and he captured her face between them. He kissed her cheek, her nose, her forehead in that order and she had never felt as loved as she did in the moments between those kisses when she could see into his eyes and see how deep his love went. Callie felt like she was in a dream state. As much as she had loved Logan, it had never felt like this. She had never wanted to be as close to him, heart, soul and body as she did with Brandon. She let her walls crumble down, so she could be close to him once more.

Brandon's hands trailed down her front, caressing the area around her breasts. He was so gentle with her, like he thought Callie might break. She'd learnt a lot about herself in the five years since they had last been together, and she had discovered she didn't like things being so gentle all the time. Being bold, she turned her body and hoisted her right leg over his lap so her body shifted onto his legs. They were now facing each other, with their bodies pressed tightly together. Brandon gasped with the sudden unexpected pressure. Callie smiled a little to herself, she was pleased she could still delight him and she wanted to show him who she was now too. 

Callie lent down to kiss him once more, and felt her hips rock softly on his lap, as is her subconscious was trying to create some friction. He responded in kind and they moved together building the heat between them. Callie thought Brandon was mostly the same. He kissed her the same way but she noticed he was more assured; like he knew more about what he was doing now. Not surprising as she hasn't expected him to be a monk in the past 5 years. 

Their kiss became more intense; Brandon's arms were wrapped around her back pulling her into him. Their bodies were as close as they could be with Callie's hands entwined in Brandon's hair. Her kisses became stronger as she gave up fighting the urge to hold back at all. She started to unbutton his shirt, not bothering to look down as she felt her way along the seam tackling one button at a time. IT had been such a long time since she had been so close to her Brandon, that she couldn't bear to look away from this face just yet. She felt Brandon grip the bottom of her shirt and tug upwards. It was off in a flash. She finished his buttons not long after pushing the shirt off his shoulders and tugging it down his arms. Once they were both shirtless, they seem to both take a moment to look at how the other had changed. For Callie, she noticed Brandon had filled out. He wasn't quite the skinny boy she remembered, but rather a more defined one and a little bit stockier in a way. Although he was mostly still the slight boy she remembered. She wondered what he was thinking of her, but the thought soon gave away to the brightly burning passion residing in her stomach. 

Brandon leaned over to her, and kissed his way from her lips down to her torso, until he couldn't reach any further in his current position. Callie arched her back in pleasure, his lips felt like fiery caresses all over her and she felt her senses go wild. Her lips soon found his again eager to draw him into a passionate kiss. Soon she removed her own bra, disregarding it with no real concern of who could see. Callie had mostly forgotten their location, all she could think about was her and Brandon. How she needed him right now and needed them to be together. Five years had been too long, too long without feeling this alive.

Brandon's hands reached up to her newly exposed breasts, and curved around them caressing them with a swiftness unlike she had known from him before. She exhaled a sigh in delight, she loved things when they got more intense. She felt less like a porcelain doll and more real. Brandon picked up on this cry of pleasure, and began to be a little rougher with her. Kisses became a little harsher, and his movements less soft. She began to moan in ecstasy. Logan had never quite understood her need to be more aggressive when it came to love making, he'd found it baffling but Brandon just seemed to know instantly exactly what she wanted and how far to take it.

The more she responded to his roughness the rougher he became. Biting her lip, as he pulled away from an intense kiss and grabbing her breast to squeeze it with some force. He looked at her with an intense amount of lust in his eyes. She knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him and simply nodded at him with a sly smile. She reached down to grab his cock and gave it a hard squeeze through his jeans. His hips bucked upwards and she knew he knew it was on. He unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down with some speed, like he was determined to pay her back for her cheekiness. Callie felt him slide his hand between her legs and reach up to her pussy. Placing his hand above her clit, he let his thumb start to caress it, all the while keeping her occupied with ferocious kisses. His circles began slow, and increased with intensity and speed as they went around. Callie trembled and felt her body start to shake. She'd never been fully at ease with her own orgasm and had struggled to reach the true heights of one with Logan. Always giving into the discomfort before the full release of an orgasm.

Soon she felt herself become uncomfortable as she always did and tried to twist away from his hand. She didn't really want to but it was so intense, her body wanted to explode but it also wanted to escape the pressure. Brandon didn't let her move an inch. He just kept kissing her and moving his hand so his fingers were perfectly placed to slide into her vagina to caress her from the inside, all the while still furiously stroking her clit. She felt her body rise with the pressure, her body building up to the explosion she knew was going to happen. Callie cried out in a fit of passion, 'oh my god Brandon, oh my god'. She just couldn't keep it to herself. She wanted it to stop, she wanted it to continue. She tried to disengage her brain from her body. She couldn't really focus on anything. The intensity rose another level, she gave up trying to kiss Brandon back and he buried his head into her neck trailing kisses all along her spine. He pressed a few kisses underneath her ears and she lost it. Her body bucked up and it shook in its entirety. She felt herself grinding against him and her head went backwards as she cried out in euphoria. 

Callie felt herself calm down slowly, as her head came back down from space she gazed into Brandon's eyes and couldn't imagine a time when she was more at rights with the world.

Continuation of this scene coming sooner than you think! :D

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