"No offense Dad but it's none of your business"

"A piece of advice Adamson, you better catch the fish before someone else could" he smirked. "Good bye, son. See you tomorrow. I'll just you what time we'll gonna meet" he said as he entered the elevator.

Better catch the fish before someone else could? Is he referring to Janine? Is Janine seeing someone else?

I turned my back and saw Janine there, wearing my long sleeved office polo. Is she eavesdropping?

Janine's POV

As soon as I saw Adam's dad entering the elevator, I wanted to go back inside but my feet won't take the command. Adam turned and our eyes locked.

"How long have you been there?" He asked

"I... Uhh.... Not so long.. Umm... Just now.." I stammered. Truth be told, I was here after I changed my clothes. I was supposed to go get my underwear when I heard Adam shouted. He sounds frustrated. I know I shouldn't be there listening but I can't help it! The inquisitive me took over. When I heard him say something about him wanting someone to meet the woman he loved, something inside me was tugged or perhaps, breaking. I thought all along he likes me and I'm too assuming to believe in that fantasy. I'm starting to like him more compared before. I was about to leave when his dad spoke about loving me. And I waited for his world shattering answer. Why on earth did I even get my hopes high? I know he doesn't love me. Maybe he's attracted but not to the point of loving me. God, I'm so dumb. I tried my very best not to spill a single tear and luckily I have some kind of 'tear stopper'.

"Then what are you doing here? I told you to stay inside" he said while entering the door. His dominating physique intimidated me so I found myself taking steps backward.

"I... I was just thinking of playing a game." I blurted. What? A game? Ugh. Great.

"A game?" He repeated amd continued to take large steps to me.

Think, think, think.

"Yeah! A game! Wouldn't it be fun?"

"Maybe. What game?" He asked

"Uuhhh.." I looked at my surroundings amd I saw the empty bottle of water. I pushed him slightly and ran towards the bottle. "Each one of us take turns in spinning this bottle. If the cap points at you, you habe to choose between truth or removing a piece of clothing. Wait what?"

"That sounds great. Come!" He pulled me to sit on the floor.

"No, no, not removing a piece of clothing. I'll change that"

"No. It's great. Don't change it."

"Fine. No more changing of decision once you've said your preference. And don't ever lie. I'll know right away if you'll be lying."

"Okay. Ssme goes to you."

"Since I made the game, you go first. Spin the bottle" I smirked. My gut ia telling me that I won't have the cap pointing to me. He got hold of it and spun the bottle. After how many turns, it pointed om him.

"Truth or remove?" I asked

"Truth" he said. Wow,I'm glad he chose truth. Now, I want to learm more abput him. He doesn't usually open tp me.

"To whom did you loose your virginity?" I asked and he paled.

"Why do you want to know?" He said uneasily. It's very clear he doesn't want me to know.

"That's what I want to know so answer it right now" I growled

"Her name's Lexy" he sighed

"Where and when?" I pried

"One question at a time remember? Here take the bottle" he handed me the blank bottle. I spun it really hard and hoped it would go point on him. Turn,turn,turn. Eventually, the bottle slowed down and pointed on him. Yes!!

"Tru-" I stopped myself for I saw him remove his shoes.

"I'm not going fo truth" he frowned

"Well, I don't care" I snorted. He turned the bottle and it pointed on me.

"Truth!!" I shouted before he could make a word.

"Truth? Not remove?" He smirked

"I'm not gonna let myself strip in front of you" I stuck a tongue out

"Awww, why not baby girl?" He pouted.

Omg. He's just so cute. He looks like a child. So very cute.

Then suddenly, I pinched his cheeks with all my might and he yelped.

"Ooowww!!! Why did you do that?" He rubbed the pink spot.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to" I looked away from his gaze but it landed on his chest.

"Anyway, my question is, why don't you want to be in an arranged marriage in the first place?" He asked

"Well, I believed that marriage is a sacred sacrament wherein two people are given the blessing to multiply. Marriages exist because of the undying love of a man and his wife for each other. I also believe that when you are going to marry someone, you shall love one another in order to let the marriage last long and let everything work out. I don't believe that marriages of convenience will work out" I shrugged

"You believe in happily ever afters huh?"

"Yes. I do believe fairytales still exist in this modern era of reality" I smiled

"If you believe that they exist, do you want to be my princess?" He asked

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