Chapter 1: when it all begain

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Hello this is my second book it not a fan fiction based book. This is like reality book, I have not yet been to Uni and that I don't know how they work!

If there is something wrong please tell me!!
Love Zita💜

Is it weird that you will always remember your first crush? Cause I do and he hates you just because you were "not pretty" like other girls in the year level.
I like how his blue eyes that looks like the ocean and his hair was dirty blonde.
You properly thinks that soo cliche. He was the hottest guy in the year and he was tall.
He and the popular girl always pair up by the teachers because they look good together and they were smart.
What so bad about a guy that's has the looks,height and the grades go out with a girl that don't have the looks and the grades.
It just doesn't match.
People will talk about you that will gives pressure on you guys and then you will end up breaking up any way.

Im in the train to City to Deakin University City Campus to my lecture on environmental management and sustainability studies. I'm on my iPhone 6 with a purple case, playing Temple Run. Then I heard the train said.
"Next stop is Melbourne Central."
So I place my phone in my purse and took my miyki card ready to hop off the train. It is my first year in Uni, I heard that you have only 10 days of absent or else you fail the course. Which I'm hoping that I won't be sick all the time, I hope that is not true. I am getting off the the train that stopped at Melbourne Central, I swipe my Miyki card And walked out of the station.

I'm walking to my university which it is 10km away from the MELBOURNE Central, I got in front of the uni gates head to building SC2 I walked passed sport and health building that was right next to the building that I needed to go. I peek in to a class and saw some familiar heads in to a class but I just can't remember who?
Oh well I quickly went to my class room which was 10 classroom away from the classroom that I just went passed.

I know those people but I just don't remember where they from! I'm so angry at my self just because I can't remember.
Come on Alice Clare Tommson Listen to the Professor William you need to forces on her. If you want to pass this year.

"Ok guys for your Very first assessment you will go to research on the topic that aI give you and make a model how to solve the topic the best way. And write a 3000 word essay, I will assess you mainly on your research essay, that the models Material has to be things that are reusable. Here is the sheet of the informations and I will call you up and give you the topic."

"...... Alice Tommson" Professor William called.
I got off my chair and walked to the front desk that Professor William called.
"Ok Alice your topic will be how to reused things that can be used again and why it is good to reuse it, the model can be anything." Professor William said.
After that I went back to my desk started to plan what I want to do, I went on my Mac book typing everything done on Word.

30mins the class ends

I parked my stuff and got to walked out the classes, I went passed the classroom that went passed in the morning. I was in deep thought until my things drop out my hand, I quickly got on my knees picking my stuff and I heard a voice talking to me.
" umm sorry I didn't see you there!" A guy with dirty blonde hair helping me picking up my stuff.
"That's ok" I was to busy staring at his nice blues eye that reminded of me someone.
"No no it was my fault as to repay you for bumping in to you would you want to catch up and grab a coffee or something." He said.
"Sure but it was my fault I wasn't even paying attention in the first place." I said.
"Just give me you name and phone. So i can text you the place and the time." He smiled.
He's eye were sparkling with his blue eyes when he smiled at me.
"Sure!" I smiled back. He handed his iPhone and I typed my name and my phone number.
I also have my iPhone to so he can do the same.

After the that we said bye but I stopped when he yelled out to me.
"Hey what's your name? I'm Sam, Sam Evans."he yelled.
"I'm Alice, I'm sorry I'm in a rush to go!" I said.
I know that name some where but I don't know where it's from.
So I quickly ran to my next class with is in the fashion building. Yep the fashion building I'm doing a double degree with fashion and science. I have worked really hard on my studies , even my learning problems still affect my studies. That's why i studied really hard in high school.

Thank you for reading!!!!
I am sorry about my English grammar and hope you won't mind it!
Thank you!!

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