chapter 2: Life at Uni

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have a nice read!!!!  sorrry it is too short!! 😅😅

Love Zita💜💜


I went to studio 6 and sat in the middle to get a better view of the professor, I waited the professor to come in to the class. The door slammed and made everyone jumped from what they were doing.

There was THE Eliza Georga Stone-Horan standing near the door. Why is she here? OMG she is the best fashion designer/ singer and an actor. She is my favourite fashion designer, I have nearly most of her design,Her clothing line is mainly for last teens to the twenties. I am a big fan of her and her husband Niall Horan from One Direction, Miss Eliza Stone-Horan is one of the youngest fashion designer in history, she became a famous fashion designer at the age of 20. After she got a double degree of fashion and performing arts.

"Hey guys I'm Professor Eliza Stone-Horan!" She said while walking around smiling at us. The girls were screaming at her wanting her autograph and even some guys wanted too. "Guys I am just the same as you. I'm not going to treat you like kids right?" She telling us. "Ok guys I'm you fashion professor for this year, yes you can get my autograph after class but in the future you have to treat me like one of you other professors you have. Ok now i will hand out you first assessment now, it is on nature, this it is the next lasted trend for 2050, spring. If you pass this assessment, you will be in my next spring clothes line. I like to give opportunity to people that are younger then me." She hand same sheets of paper on the assessment, I went though the sheets. We have to use nature and its colours to create a clothing that haven been made and that young people can wear it with out complaining the clothing.

"Ok guy this have to include research, sketches, and final piece. This will due in 2 weeks time,The 20th January. Now starts working please." Professor Horan said.I have plan that I should make a dress with heels and necklaces, or something else.I really don't know. What I should?

Brr brr

My phone vibrate, so I checked my phone. There was a text for Sam Sammy( which he put it in him self):Hellos its sam like my name and that I'm so sorry again!!

Me: hellos, it is not you fault and why you decided to message me!Sammy: cause I'm bored at work Me: wow what a great customer service! I have now lecture on my fashion degree.

Sammy: what I thought you had yours already, what was is this oneMe: that was my management and sustainability studies and I have a fashion degree too its double degree. It is nice talking to you but I really have get beck to work! 😀

I place my phone next to my table and went back on mac to research on the design I want to make. Yes after since what happened, i got in high school and made soo many friend they helped me on my fashion skill and made me discover textiles and the world of fashion. I know I don't know all the fashion thing but hey I just learning like everyone else but a little bit slower. This eduction problem it is a big problem to me when I talk to people or when I need to write an email to people because it doesn't make sense.

Sammy: you look like a girl that I used to know but I am not really sure though. Ok then I will get back to work them. booo you are mean.😋Me: really I'm sure that is not true, I look completely different when I was younger and I changed. Ok I'm leaving you now BYEE. 😉

I draw a sketch of my design but I'm not sure if I like it, i draw to the end of the lesson but Sam haven't been texting me though the lessons. I packed all my thing back in my purse and left the studio.I walk back to Melbourne Central to grab my lunch,It was a Subway. Then I catch the the train back to Blackburn.


hope you liked this chapter!!!

Love Zita💜💜

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