A/N # gratitude

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A big hug and a the hugest thank you to those who read the book.

I cannot describe how happy I am on seeing those votes and comments.

For those who don't know, this was my first Wattpad book.

Now, I know I've left open ends (many of them, rather). Like I said, there's more to come. The 'more' can go in two ways:-

1. I could write a second epilogue. And clarify stuff. But, no more continuation of Alexander and Norah after the second epilogue.

2. I could write another short story, where I'll clarify everything in depth and detail. This will have Alex and Norah, and Lucas (a lot of him) and another mystery character, whom you may or may not know. But, not to worry, like Alex said, "Lucas is not the bad guy." ;)

I know the second option sounds like the obvious answer. But, the thing is that it'll take time. And trust me, a lot of it.

If I'm writing the epilogue, which will take perhaps two weeks, I'll mostly cover all the parts and answer most questions, but with less of 'butterflies-in-stomach' moments. And less, very less, Lucas Rivera.

I cannot decide on which one to settle. So, maybe you could comment and tell me what to do.

You could ask your questions to the characters and I'll reply! Just pm me, though. I wouldn't like the entire world to know.

I once again sincerely thank all those wonderful writers and friends to whom I have dedicated the chapters to. I'm confident that they'll continue to be amazing as ever.

I notice some profiles who follow the story regularly. Thank you so much, you guys mean a lot to me.

And finally, a shout out to all the readers. Silent or not, thank you.

I love you guys, so much.



P.S.:- Lucas is an interesting guy. You'd like to know him. He and Alexander....well, we'll explore that (hopefully).

Update:- The sequel is already up. Check it out on my profile.

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