RIP Erica

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So I've been so sick the past couple of days like I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy honestly.

There has been a waterfall of mucus coming from my nose, like if someone makes me laugh I'll start coughing and get my snot everywhere. I cry.

Not to mention I have slept so much (not that I'm complaining) but I haven't had much time to get onto my social media accounts. I cry.

If I could get 5 cents for every time I coughed, I'd be a trillionaire like wtf is that even a word??

Pls come to my funeral and bring Harry Styles so that he can lay with me in my casket until I'm forced to go 12 feet underground. I want there to be a dance party and karaoke there so that my death will be lit.

Thanks & bye bye

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