The Mean Girl Phase

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Okay so in the seventh grade, I got into this really huge fight with my best friend (that hoe ain't my friend no more) and we absolutely despised each other from then on.

We go to the same school, so every time we'd see each other, we would both start to sway our hips.

Like honestly, I felt like I was breaking my hip bones each time, but my butt looked good, sooooo.

This went on for a couple of years, and now in my Freshman year of High School, she sits in front of me in English class.

A couple weeks ago she sat down in her seat and I just glared at her. As I was turning my head to look away, this bright color caught my attention.

I looked over at her, she was wearing skinny jeans ok, AND HER THONG WAS HANGING OUT FOR EVERYONE TO SEE AND HER PANTS WERE HALFWAY DOWN HER ASS!!!!

I've never laughed at someone so hard in my life, js.

Karma, bitch

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