Chapter 3

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Watching Olivia run from him was tough in itself, but not as much as hearing the noisy sob burst from her mouth as she fled.

He contemplated following her, but seeing the sate she was in, he decided not to. He  turned and headed towards the cosy house waiting for him ahead.

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The snow lay thickly on the ground on Alfie's first day of school. The air was crisp, and cold enough to catch your breath on. Even though it was only November, the English town looked like a scene from a fairytale.

Alfie joined the wave of students heading towards the school, all dressed up in big jackets, scarves and gloves; their noses runny and ears red, even in the 20 minute walk from his house.

Walking to the reception and shedding his coat, he was surprised to find somebody familiar waiting there too. He almost didn't recognise her at all, but it was the scent of her long mahogany hair that brought his memories of last night to the forefront of his mind.


Like yesterday, she spun around, panic evident in her eyes, but almost as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone. Her gaze seemed to be fixed on the floor, avoiding all eyes contact with the happy Alfie.

"Olivia Lynn! Your new timetable." Called the blonde secretary, a scowl on her face. Olivia seemed to slink forward, hair covering her face as she took her timetable. "You must be Alfie Rose," the blonde said, turning back to him, popping her gum as she did so. "Here, take this and go and find someone to follow".

Skimming the timetable, he noticed Olivia still standing looking at her own one. He shimmied up to her and peered over her shoulder.

"Cool! We're in the same registration class and we've both got maths first with Mr McPhee, do you reckon you could show me around?"

"No" she whispered, finally making eye contact, empty grey eyes that bore right into his own, and she turned and for the second time in 24 hours, she fled.

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